• Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Obedience to the Vision |Reality Check

By Lorraine Walker

Have you met Ms. Martha Duwitall? She’s the lady who sings in the choir, manages the nursery, dusts the pews, teaches bible study, leads short-term missions, and in her spare time crochets baby clothes for the women’s shelter. She also has a full-time job, ten children and volunteers at the local senior’s home. Great tasks, all of them, but you can bet that poor Martha is exhausted and someone on her list is getting less than effective ministry.

The organization I work for has constant opportunities to take on new projects and there is a definite need to reach out with a helping hand to more people in the community. However, the leadership continually goes back to the basics of what the Mission was called to do. When we go back to our calling and focus on doing that well, we are more effective in our ministry to our city.

Paul had a magnificent vision of the risen Lord Jesus Christ, and he received his calling on that day. Throughout his travels recorded in the Scripture, he has many opportunities to branch off into various aspects of ministry. However, he doesn’t start a men’s bible study or a hospital visitation schedule or even a Christian band to evangelize. He sticks to the revelation he was given and does the work the Lord lays out for him. Near the end of his life, he is standing before King Agrippa to explain his deeds, and he says, “I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven.”

Sometimes I wonder if the stress in my life would be reduced if I was obedient to my original call. There are many ways in which our own person calling can be worked out, and many opportunities to build on the skills and talents the Lord gives each of us. It takes obedience and good listening skills to remain true to our vision, to know when that vision has been fulfilled and to see the next step.

I am the type of person that doesn’t like to say “no”, but I need to remember that I am not expected to fill all needs. God only calls me to go where He leads and do what He asks. In that way I can be productive and effective for the Kingdom.

I want to be able to stand before my King one day and know that I was not disobedient to the vision, wherever that vision may take me. I pray that helping Ms. Duwitall fulfill her calling doesn’t sidetrack me from mine.


Born and raised in southern Ontario, Canada, Lorraine Walker has been interested and involved in Southern Gospel Music since the mid-80’s. As part of a ladies’ trio, she became more familiar with this style of music and the people that made it popular, and began writing occasional articles for a Canadian publication on Southern Gospel.

Known online to her internet friends as “CanChik”, Lorraine began writing a monthly inspirational article entitled “CanChik’s Corner” for www.johnlanier.com in 2002.  This column began on www.sgmradio.com in January of 2005, a popular southern gospel music radio and information website which also publishes other features and interviews with her byline.

”Reality Check” is a monthly column relating the realities of living every day as child of God. Lorraine welcomes your comments and suggestions, and you can write her at sgmradio.lorrainewalker@gmail.com

By SGM Radio

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