• Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Two-Twelve | May 2010: The Rock

By Bryan Hutson

A couple weeks ago I decided it was time to mow the lawn. Mowing the grass is actually something I enjoy. I do a lot of thinking while I mow, however this day, it was just the opposite.

In the backyard a large rock had washed down the hill from a recent heavy rain. When I reached the back yard, I saw the rock and instead of bending down and removing the rock from my path, I pushed it with my foot while I mowed in that spot. I have a “touch” of OCD, so I was mowing in straight lines and while backing up, I fell backward over the rock! I landed right on my tailbone. Luckily the mower we have shuts off when you let go of the safety handle. The mower stopped and I landed hard. I winced in pain, and then I got up and cranked the mower again and finished mowing.

I didn’t move the ROCK even after falling over it!

Later that day, my tailbone began to really hurt. In fact, it still hurts.

So what has this story have to do with anything? Well, I’ll tell you.

I am going to parallel the ROCK in my yard to ROCKS of life.

There might be an issue (ROCK) in your past that we have pushed to the side and NOT dealt with. I pushed the rock in my yard aside with my foot instead of bending down and removing it. Had I dealt with it, by totally removing it, I never would fell over it. When we ignore or act like the ROCK is not there, that is when we were likely to fall.

Unforgiveness, bitterness, unresolved conflict can all be ROCKS for us. We need to see the ROCK for what it is, deal with it and move on.

Ephesians 4:31
”Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior.”

I highly recommend a book called “Total Forgiveness” by RT Kendall. This book helps you deal with unresolved forgiveness and bitterness through scripture.

The ROCK can also represent a sin in our life. We all struggle with something. Recently a friend of mine said “If you believe YOU DON’T struggle, then your struggle is arrogance.”

1 Corinthians 10:12-”If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall.”

Gambling, alcohol, drugs, sexual sin, arrogance, anger, pride are all areas that we can struggle in. What steps are we taking to try to get a grip on this area of our life? We WILL be tempted. Our enemy is NOT stupid! He knows your weaknesses and he will try and bait you. If you don’t deal with this ROCK, you will fall.

See after I fell, I continued mowing. Not realizing at the time I was hurt. The pain didn’t come till later, but it still came. Some times the pain is immediate, but often times, we don’t see/feel the pain right away; till days, weeks, months later. ROCKS that are NOT dealt with will leave a lasting effect.

I want to encourage you. There is hope! In fact, the only way you and I can deal with these ROCKS is by the ROCK of OUR SALVATION- Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 26:4: “Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.”
2 Samuel 22 David’s Song of Praise

David sang this song to the Lord on the day the Lord rescued him from all his enemies and from Saul. 2 He sang:
“The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior;
3 my God is my rock, in whom I find protection.
He is my shield, the power that saves me,
and my place of safety.
He is my refuge, my savior,
the one who saves me from violence.
4 I called on the Lord, who is worthy of praise,
and he saved me from my enemies”

Christ will be the secure place where we can stand.

Search out the scriptures that deal with your “Rock.”

Read and memorize scripture that will encourage you when you are faced with temptations.

Find a same sex accountability partner who will call you on the carpet about those ROCKS.

Ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit daily.

In case you are wondering, I finally moved the rock.

Let’s move those rocks from our life that keep us from having victory and keep mowing….


Bryan was born in Batesville, IN.  He began playing the drums for his family group “The Woods Family” at the age of 13. Later in 1984 Bryan along with his brother Jim and cousin formed the group “The New Generation”.

In 1993 Bryan joined “The Heartland Boys”. “The Kingsmen” asked him to join as lead vocalist in 1996. In 1997 he was awarded “Favorite New Artist” by the subscribers of the Singing News Magazine. He was nominated “Favorite Lead Vocalist” for 5 years.

Bryan retired from the road in 2001 to become a Worship Minister at a dynamic church in West Virginia. He returned to southern gospel music when he joined “The Blackwood Gospel Quartet” in late 2005 as their lead singer. In February 2007 Bryan returned to “The Kingsmen” as the Baritone vocalist and Emcee.

Bryan’s hobbies include surfing the internet and spending time with his wife Yvonne and family; Alexa, Jordan, Jake and Bailey.

By SGM Radio

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