• Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Who Made the Decision? | Keep Looking Up

By Brenda Denney

As we travel church to church, state to state, we see one thing in common, and that is people are so hungry for some of the older songs that we use to sing in church. Sometimes we will go into some of the older songs and when we do the people will join in and begin to enter into worship. I understand that change is good and I am all for change. But if something is not broken, don’t fix it…. There is something very powerful about some of the songs from years past. I understand that we have young people in the service and you are trying to cater to them. I was once one of those young people and that is exactly why I know all the old songs.

Please don’t get me wrong. I love all styles of music. I listen to it all. I am not that old..LOL… But there is something about the songs from the past that grab your heart, your soul, your mind. We have a church full of hurting people today. They are searching for answers. They are wanting something that they can grab onto and hang onto it.

If we look around during Praise & Worship at most churches that we attend the one thing that we see is that it is almost like a concert. Most people are not entering in. They are not even singing the songs that are on the wall. They are just standing there and watching and listening to the Praise Team & Band. It is more like a concert. But you let someone go into an older song and you can see the atmosphere change. You will see people enter in. You will see them begin to Praise & Worship the Lord of Lords. You will see tears begin to flow.. You will see the Holy Spirit begin to work on people.

Once again I am not downing any church, or praise team. I am just curious Who Made The Decision to change the music? Why? I don’t think I have ever asked the question myself. Why can’t we have a balance? There are some amazing songs that can help people make it through tomorrow. I think of songs like, “Bring All Your Needs To The Altar”, but I don’t know if that one would work because 95% of the churches have taken the Altar out of the sanctuary. That is another article… LOL…

Here are just a few great songs from the past, “Leave It There”, My God Can Do Anything” I Know The Lord Will Make A Way For Me”, “Holy Ground”, “I’m Living By Faith”, “Joy Unspeakable, “Peace Peace, Wonderful Peace”. “It is Well With My Soul”, “Blessed Assurance”, and the list goes on and on…

I am just saying that these are songs that speak to people that are hurting. It gives them hope. It tells them that God is here for them.

If you are a Pastor, or a Praise & Worship leader just try something for me. Try slipping one of these songs in on Sunday morning. Watch what happens to the atmosphere. You can still do your other songs too. But mix it up a little. The old songs were written by people that have been through trials and have made it through. That is why they grab you like they do.

Read in the Bible what Praise & Worship is for. It is to prepare us for battle. It is to prepare us to hear the word that the pastor is about to bring. It is a time to clear our minds of all our worries. Get you a book on Praise & Worship and what it’s purpose is in the service. Most churches hurry through the Praise & Worship and that is really sad… Take time to Worship him.. Take time to stay in his presence.

Try it… I know God will not let you down.

Until next time Keep Looking Up


Brenda Denney



By SGM Radio

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