• Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

From the Crabb Family to Crabb Revival, Adam Crabb’s life on the road has been busy and exciting. This singer, musician and evangelist has a fervency to touch hearts and see lives changed with the power of Jesus. A huge part of Crabb’s wild life has been a lady by the name of Kristi who became his wife ten years ago.

Adam Crabb freely admits that an artist’s life is not easy on a marriage and the couple have had some rough times. In an interview on New Year’s Eve 2010, Crabb talked about keeping a marriage solid when everything around is in turbulence. Be sure to read the March edition of SGN Scoops for the full Crabb Revival interview.

“Kristi traveled with me for nine years,” Crabb begins. “2010 was our tenth year anniversary. I have learned that being married is an every day process. You have to understand them and they have to understand you. But more than that, without the Word of God and the Love of God in your house, it won’t work. It is the glue that holds it together.”

Adam Crabb has made the Lord the center of their home. “My Dad wrote a song called, A House Ain’t A Home ‘Til Jesus Moves In. That is so true. The moment you allow other things to take the place of Jesus, that’s when it all starts caving in.”

“You have to keep Jesus as the focal point and pray with your spouse,” continues Crabb. “Have I always been faithful in this? Not always, but I’ve tried to do the best that I could. I believe that this year is going to be our best year as a couple, in our marriage and as a family. I’ve got two beautiful kids, my boy is four and my girl is eight. They are the greatest kids in the world. I’m a blessed man.”

Many marriage counselors will urge couples to continue doing the romantic things that they did while they were courting. Crabb says he does try to do little things to keep the romance in their relationship.

“I do try, but I’m a man, you know how that is,” Crabb laughs. “This past year I probably did [those things] a lot more. I think that’s important to do those romantic things because women need that and women want that. But the main thing I think a woman wants to see is a guy that is secure in himself and is stable. She wants to see a man that knows where he wants to go in life. And men: with Jesus, you can’t fail.”

Every marriage takes work, even those relationships founded in Christ. Crabb says, “Marriage is a fragile thing and the least little thing can break it. The reason I’m saying that is that this last year we went a lot. I learned so much. Sometimes you say, ‘God, why in the world did I have to go through that?’ But it’s for a reason. I can’t tell you the number of husbands and wives that have come up to me and said, ‘You were speaking right to me. You knew everything I was going through and it’s because of you that we are going to stay together.’”

As a Christian artist and an exhorter of the Word of God, Adam Crabb recognizes his responsibility to walk his talk. “Somebody told me one time, ‘You are a shepherd, guiding the sheep. I didn’t really understand that until this year,” says Crabb. “There are a lot of people watching. If I fail in my marriage, what kind of a sign is that to those people? So it’s important to me to keep my marriage and my house strong.”

“I’ve been blessed to have ten incredible years in which my wife has been behind me and supported me,” continues Crabb. “My kids love their Daddy and they go with me as much as they can.”

Crabb does have a warning for those who are careless about their marriage vows or their family commitment: “The enemy loves to destroy a family. If he can get your family, he’s got you. I don’t care what anyone says, once you’ve been through a struggle with your family, whether its divorce or whatever, there is always something there. God can heal it, but it’s always there. I encourage everyone to work on your marriage and work to make your house a better home.”

Adam and Kristi Crabb have a beautiful family and they are working to keep Jesus at the center of their home. As Crabb Revival continues to travel across the country, Adam Crabb continues to encourage his audience to strengthen themselves, their relationships and their marriage in God. That’s the way to keep real love strong, no matter what day it is. Happy Valentine’s Day!

For more information on Crabb Revival, click on to: http://www.crabbrevival.net/

Watch for the March issue of SGN Scoops for the complete interview with Adam Crabb.

Pictures above courtesy of Crabb Revival/Adam Crabb

Pictured below: Adam Crabb with SGM Radio/SGN Scoops writer Lorraine Walker. Picture courtesy of Joan Walker

By Lorraine Walker

Raised in southern Ontario, Canada, Lorraine developed a love for music at an early age and enjoys listening to a variety of Christian, Country, Pop and R&B music. A love for writing and a need to share the love of Jesus through her thoughts have come together with an enjoyment of Southern Gospel, enabling her to contribute to SGM Radio website, SGN Scoops Digital, and the Southern Styles Show. Lorraine tweets at http://twitter.com/SGMRadioLorrain and blogs at http://sgmradio.blogspot.com/ and can also be found on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/walker.lorraine