• Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

The Melody Boys
Produced by the Melody Boys Quartet


By Sandi Duncan-Clark
Without a doubt, The Melody Boys Quartet has been one of the industries favorite quartets since it was established in 1949. Now grant you, this current group of young men has not been around that long, although they joke with Bass Singer Gerald Williams about being as old as dirt! This year the quartet celebrates 62 years singing quartet music.


Since hearing from Gayle Fooks, their booking agent, I have anxiously awaited this new recording. Needless to say, I am not disappointed! The Melody Boys have recorded ten of our favorite church hymns in their unique style, and the results are thrilling. Some songs are with no music, others are done with a simple piano accompaniment and all are expertly done.


“My Savoir’s Love” kicks off the recording and for forty minutes we are treated to some of the sweetest music this side of heaven. So many times when a quartet does a church hymn, they will “doctor” the music tracks, to enhance the songs favorability. Not so with the Melody Boys.


We hear every word of these amazing songs that have stood the test of time. The harmony is distinctive and the overall performances are thoroughly enjoyable. One is transported in time, to our youth when we REALLY sang hymns in church, not just praise and worship choruses. Don’t get me wrong, all music styles have their own appeal, but you seldom hear “Tell It To Jesus,” “I Must Tell Jesus” or “Are You Washed In The Blood” sung in most churches today.


I am impressed with the quality of this recording. The quartet is on pitch and in complete rhythm on every acapella song. On the songs with piano accompaniment, the piano is complimentary, never over-powering; often reminiscent of the accompaniment Hovie Lister provided for the Statesmen Quartet in their hay-day.


This new recording from Gerald, Mike, Chris and Dean is one of the most enjoyable recordings I’ve received in a long time. It reminds us that Jesus is our friend, He desires our adoration and He loves hearing us sing of His goodness and mercy. The recording is available through the Melody Boys Quartet’s web site at www.themelodyboysquartet.com.

By Sandi Duncan Clark

Sandi grew up in Greenville, South Carolina where her father was a staunch Baptist minister. She and her siblings supported their father’s ministry by singing and playing instruments in church. Those early years formulated her love for and desire to be a part of Southern Gospel music. Sandi has been a journalist in the Southern Gospel music industry for more than thirty years. Her love for the music has allowed her to work with many of our heroes of the past, as well as current headlining artists. It is her greatest joy to contribute to the ministry of those who serve the Lord singing Southern Gospel. With her husband, Cliff, Sandi makes her home in Easley, S. C., where she attends Westwood Church and does volunteer work. She recently retired from Macy’s Department store after twenty seven years of retail. Sandi enjoys gardening, reading, writing and spending time with her son, Jeff and new daughter-in-law, Amanda.