• Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

As told to Lorraine Walker by Marcie English

The story of the life of Michael English is known to many and was detailed in his book, “The Prodigal Comes Home”. You may have read how he met and married the love of his life, Marcie. This month we asked Marcie for her memories of that pivotal point in their lives. Here is the English love story, as told by Marcie.

“In 1998, I had just re-dedicated my life to Christ after a long period of rebellion.  I had a friend who was really big into Christian Music.  She came to me one day and said that she had bought us tickets to a concert by Michael English.  I had heard of him before because my father was a pastor and even in my rebellion I was around the Christian and Church lifestyle.”

“On the way [to the concert] she filled me in on Michael’s long story of his own past rebellion and what it had cost him in his life. I was immediately drawn to him through his story. So I sat in the auditorium waiting to see Michael come out.  As soon as he did, I was in awe.”

“There was an initial physical attraction, but then as he started to talk and tell his story, it was more than that. I felt his pain, I felt like there was a reason I was there. There were feelings I can’t explain.  We went up to meet him after the concert and made our way home.  I had a conversation with my mother that night and I told her I had met the man I was going to marry.  She sort of laughed me off the phone. It is a conversation that we still reminisce and laugh about now, even after being married to Michael for 9 years.”

In English’s book, Michael tells how Marcie continued to feel that she would marry Michael, and prayed for him during the years they were apart. During that time, Michael hit bottom but Marcie continued to believe that the Lord had His hand on the man she was going to marry.

“Of course there was more that happened between that initial meeting in 1998 and our subsequent marriage in 2002.  God had a lot of work to do in me, and a lot of work to do in Michael during those four years apart, but when he placed us together again at the right time it only took us 8 weeks to marry each other. I knew the minute I laid my eyes on Michael that God had made him just for me. It wasn’t the stage, or the voice, but it was the man that was deep down behind those eyes that I knew was the man God had been preparing for me.”

“[It is now] nine years later and we have one beautiful daughter!  We are very happy.  Our marriage hasn’t been with out its ups and downs, some big, some small.”

“What we have learned heading into this 2011 Valentines Day is one of the most valuable lessons God can teach you in a marriage.  It’s not about mushy feelings, or romantic surprises; it’s not about writing poems and leaving cards.  Those are all great and important things that remind your spouse this day and every other how much you love them. But beyond that – beyond the romance and flowers of the Valentines Day – when that passes what you have at the core of your marriage is this reminder from God: “What God has joined together let no one put asunder.” That is what will get you through the other not-so-romantic 364 days of the year. So not only do I wish you a Happy Valentines day, but I wish you a happy God-filled marriage!”

The story of the life of Michael English is known to many and was detailed in his book, “The Prodigal Comes Home”. You may have read how he met and married the love of his life, Marcie. This month we asked Marcie for her memories of that pivotal point in their lives. Here is the English love story, as told by Marcie.

“In 1998, I had just re-dedicated my life to Christ after a long period of rebellion.  I had a friend who was really big into Christian Music.  She came to me one day and said that she had bought us tickets to a concert by Michael English.  I had heard of him before because my father was a pastor and even in my rebellion I was around the Christian and Church lifestyle.”

“On the way [to the concert] she filled me in on Michael’s long story of his own past rebellion and what it had cost him in his life. I was immediately drawn to him through his story. So I sat in the auditorium waiting to see Michael come out.  As soon as he did, I was in awe.”

“There was an initial physical attraction, but then as he started to talk and tell his story, it was more than that. I felt his pain, I felt like there was a reason I was there. There were feelings I can’t explain.  We went up to meet him after the concert and made our way home.  I had a conversation with my mother that night and I told her I had met the man I was going to marry.  She sort of laughed me off the phone. It is a conversation that we still reminisce and laugh about now, even after being married to Michael for 9 years.”

In English’s book, Michael tells how Marcie continued to feel that she would marry Michael, and prayed for him during the years they were apart. During that time, Michael hit bottom but Marcie continued to believe that the Lord had His hand on the man she was going to marry.

“Of course there was more that happened between that initial meeting in 1998 and our subsequent marriage in 2002.  God had a lot of work to do in me, and a lot of work to do in Michael during those four years apart, but when he placed us together again at the right time it only took us 8 weeks to marry each other. I knew the minute I laid my eyes on Michael that God had made him just for me. It wasn’t the stage, or the voice, but it was the man that was deep down behind those eyes that I knew was the man God had been preparing for me.”

“[It is now] nine years later and we have one beautiful daughter!  We are very happy.  Our marriage hasn’t been with out its ups and downs, some big, some small.”

“What we have learned heading into this 2011 Valentines Day is one of the most valuable lessons God can teach you in a marriage.  It’s not about mushy feelings, or romantic surprises; it’s not about writing poems and leaving cards.  Those are all great and important things that remind your spouse this day and every other how much you love them. But beyond that – beyond the romance and flowers of the Valentines Day – when that passes what you have at the core of your marriage is this reminder from God: “What God has joined together let no one put asunder.” That is what will get you through the other not-so-romantic 364 days of the year. So not only do I wish you a Happy Valentines day, but I wish you a happy God-filled marriage!”

First Published by SGN Scoops February 2011

Photos courtesy of Marcie and Michael English

By Lorraine Walker

Raised in southern Ontario, Canada, Lorraine developed a love for music at an early age and enjoys listening to a variety of Christian, Country, Pop and R&B music. A love for writing and a need to share the love of Jesus through her thoughts have come together with an enjoyment of Southern Gospel, enabling her to contribute to SGM Radio website, SGN Scoops Digital, and the Southern Styles Show. Lorraine tweets at http://twitter.com/SGMRadioLorrain and blogs at http://sgmradio.blogspot.com/ and can also be found on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/walker.lorraine