Georgia is the proud home to many Southern Gospel family groups who offer home-grown talent, tight harmony and a sweet spirit of unity. One such group is the Gobers from the small town of Winder. The mixed trio has many years of singing and ministry experience as well as a strong faith in the goodness of God. SGM Radio recently caught up with Stephanie Gober-Wilson who tells us about her family.
SGM Radio: How did your group begin?Â
Stephanie Gober: Singing for my family is definitely a family thing. My Daddy sang in church with his brothers long before I was born. I guess for me it began when God joined my Mom and Dad over 30 years ago. My Daddy plays the piano; he never had a lesson but can certainly make the piano talk. Mom and Dad sang together in church and added [their children] in as we were born. I remember Mom and Dad teaching us to harmonize in the car on the way to church, which was an hour away. Yeah, that was fun!
As we grew up it was easy to see God had placed a calling on our family. We all had the ability to sing and God also gave instrumental talents to each child as well. We sang in church together all my chilodhood. It wasn’t until I was an adult that people in our community started pressing us to come sing in their churches, then started asking for CD’s.
We never dreamed it would come this far. One Sunday night, Rabbit Easter came to sing at our church and we sang during his set break. He came to us after the service and said he would like to record us! He invited us to sing with him a few weeks later in the Schaefer Center of Toccoa, GA and we recorded our first album with him a few weeks later. That was the beginning of “The Gobersâ€.
In 2011, we joined Chapel Valley Records and have been amazed at what God has done. So what happened to my brothers [who are no longer singing with the Gobers]? I’m sure your wondering. Randy, my middle brother, became part of BSA’s Crystal River and Roger joined the Air Force. Roger currently serves as a Staff Sgt firefighter for the USAF.
SGM Radio: How long have you been singing with the present line-up?Â
Stephanie: We have had band members in and out from time to time, but as far as vocalists, its always been Mama [Penny], Daddy [Rodney] and me [Stephanie]. However, recently we added Tim Richardson to help out while Daddy is on chemotherapy and we are loving him. He may end up being a permanent fixture.

SGM Radio: What is your favorite thing about each member of the group?
Stephanie: My daddy is phenomenal. He is a wonderful person and everyone who knows him loves him. Really! How many people can say that? He is fighting cancer right now and God is using him in a big way. We know he’s gonna be healed and many are going to see God’s power through this. My daddy’s strength and so willingness are inspirational.
My sweet Mama: She is my best friend. The one thing I can say about her is that she loves big. She’s one of those people that when she speaks, people listen. She’s a wise woman. I’m so lucky to have parents like I do.
Tim: He joined us simply to be a help. No glory, no nothing. I think that is just amazing. He gave himself and his time to help us. He is funny and a great singer and I appreciate him very much.
SGM Radio: What is the title of your most recent recording?Â
Stephanie: I’m Gonna Stand
SGM Radio: Where did you record it?Â
Stephanie: Chapel Valley Records
SGM Radio: What is your most favorite song and why?Â
Stephanie: My favorite song on the album is While This Blessing Is Being Made. With my Daddy having cancer, I often need to be reminded that God is in control and He means good for us.
SGM Radio: Do you have a local church that you attend? Are you involved in any way?Â
Stephanie: I attend Bethlehem First Baptist Church in Bethlehem and my parents and Tim attend White Plains Baptist Church in Jefferson. Both are great churches and we are very involved. We travel a lot on the weekends, but one can bet that if we are not singing, we are in our churches.
SGM Radio: What has been the most entertaining moment in your career?
Stephanie: We love Christmas In The Smokies! It’s great fun, y’all should come go with us. There is info about it on our web site. Its just amazing.
SGM Radio: What has been your most challenging moment?
Stephanie: When I found out my daddy had cancer, I must admit, it was hard to sing for a minute. But then, as my sweet Lord always does, He stepped in and reminded me that He is in control and that I just need to trust him and keep singing. Southern Gospel music singers are human too and we have our moments.
SGM Radio: Christians have a lot to be thankful for as they serve the Lord. What are you most thankful for in your life?
Stephanie: I am thankful for everything God has done in my life. He has blessed my family beyond measure. We stand in awe of the works He has done, is doing and is going to do. If I had to sum it up, I’d say I’m thankful we have Jesus on our side, because with Him, we have the power and victory!
Photos courtesy of The Gobers.
For more information on the Gobers: