• Mon. Mar 10th, 2025
Bryan and Yvonne Hutson
Soul’d Out

Bryan Hutson has been singing Gospel music for many years and constant travel has become part of his lifestyle. He wouldn’t trade his vocation for any other, however, he and his wife Yvonne and their family do what they can to keep strong relationship ties regardless of their time apart. The family treasures their time together, just as they embrace the Christmas season of even more family time and special holiday traditions.

As his group Soul’d Out performs their last few concerts before their Christmas break, Bryan Hutson is already looking ahead to the holidays as a chance to share time with his family. “My wife and family are everything to me,” says Hutson. “I love them with everything that I am. Our devotion time helps keep us connected as a family.”

Bryan Hutson

“When Yvonne is off during the week, I don’t answer the phone or do office work unless it’s an emergency,” Hutson explains. “She works a lot of hours and works many days in a row, so we can both be home together at least one day a week. We try to get up in the mornings and have coffee or just have a lunch date.”

Bryan and Yvonne work at keeping their relationship strong and secure and it is obvious that love is the center of the Hutson home. “I believe it’s essential for men to be the leaders of their home,” says Hutson. “Not to be a tyrant, but to love, honor, cherish and adore his wife and be the man she needs. Our kids grow up so fast and they need strong godly men in their life. If we don’t step up and be the Dad they need, they will find another influence elsewhere.”

Bryan and Yvonne Hutson

Hutson says that studying the Bible is important to his family. “My wife Yvonne and I have done a couple’s devotion for several years. If I’m on the road or at home, we do our best to stay consistent in our devotions.” Hutson continues, “We also began a nightly devotion with our kids. We have Jake and Bailey look up and read the scriptures and Yvonne or I will then read the devotion and discuss the topic.”

The Hutson household has certain favorite writers and scripture teachers that they like to study. “Yvonne and I have done ‘Max Lucado’s Grace For The Moment 1 and 2,’ Joyce Meyer, Beth Moore, T. D. Jakes and we are now doing our second Chris Tiegreen devotion, ‘At His Feet’ and ‘Walking With God.’ We will be purchasing our next devotion for 2013 in a couple weeks.”

“Our tradition each year is to give our devotion books from that year to another young couple, in hope they will begin their own devotion time together,” Hutson shares. “God allows us to see examples of His love. It’s those everyday, ordinary things that inspire my blogs.”

Although Bryan still is singing during the Yule Tide season, Bryan and Yvonne look forward to celebrating this special time together. “I actually do love Christmas music and I love the giving spirit that everyone has. I am able to do a few select Christmas concerts while Soul’d Out is on Christmas vacation.”

Bryan, Jake and Jordan Hutson

As Christmas Day draws closer, the Hutsons know that there will be more time to draw together as a family. “My wife works retail so she is usually working 6 days a week at 10-12 hours a day, so we stay home Christmas Eve. Then, we attend Christmas Eve Service together.”

The Hutsons love to be generous with family and friends during this time of giving. When asked what is the best Christmas present that he has received, Bryan smiles. “Yvonne and I were married on Dec 30th, so that was my favorite present.”

Just as he anticipates the holidays, Hutson is aware that there are many who are in pain or in need this Christmas season. To these folks, he says, “I know you are hurt. I know the pain is real. But I also know that God sees your tears and He wants to take your pain away. He can be trusted. He won’t abandon you. I promise. Trust Him today.”

Merry Christmas from Bryan and Yvonne, Jake and Jordan, Bailey and Lexie Hutson.

Bailey, Jake and Lexie Hutson


For the latest feature article on Soul’d Out, see the December issue of SGNScoops available as a free download at http://www.sgnscoops.com/2012/12/04/december-2012-edition-of-sgnscoops-magazine/

For more information on Soul’d Out visit http://www.souldoutquartet.com/home.cfm

For more information on Bryan Hutson visit http://www.facebook.com/bryan.hutson1?fref=ts

Photographs courtesy of Bryan Hutson and Soul’d Out

By Lorraine Walker

Raised in southern Ontario, Canada, Lorraine developed a love for music at an early age and enjoys listening to a variety of Christian, Country, Pop and R&B music. A love for writing and a need to share the love of Jesus through her thoughts have come together with an enjoyment of Southern Gospel, enabling her to contribute to SGM Radio website, SGN Scoops Digital, and the Southern Styles Show. Lorraine tweets at http://twitter.com/SGMRadioLorrain and blogs at http://sgmradio.blogspot.com/ and can also be found on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/walker.lorraine