• Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Favorite Books by Artists and Fans: Books You Should Read In 2013!

SGM Radio asked Gospel music fans and artists to share with us their top three non-fiction Christian books. We hope you find some titles here that pique your interest and that you can add to your reading list for 2013. Improve your mind and your spiritual growth as you chew on some meat in this New Year!

Kenny Bishop

Kenny Bishop – Soloist http://kennybishop.com/index.htm

“Red Letter Revolution” – by Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne. The by-line says it well when it asks the question, “What if Jesus really meant what He said?” When our priorities match those of Jesus, and thus the Father, we will be more burdened to represent Him with acts of righteous compassion instead of righteous indignation.

“All is Grace” – by Brennan Manning. These are the last words of a man of God who was never afraid to admit he was a miserable failure as much as he was triumphant victor. In and out of the gutter, preaching grace one minute and begging for it the next. This is the true story of a true human who found his truth in a God who preferred to love him while he was down as much as He did when he was doing everything right.

“Imaginary Jesus” – by Matt Mikalatos. This book is funny! The points are brought about harmlessly, but are certainly made well. If the world is confused about who Jesus is, it’s probably because we, the folks who’ve been charged with presenting Him, have created so many versions of God’s Son that He’s sometimes not even recognizable. In this book you get meet Biker Jesus, Magic 8-Ball Jesus, Lawyer Jesus, Angry Jesus, Fluffy Jesus, and Legalistic Jesus. It’s really pretty amazing how we tend to create the one that suits us best.


Pauline Patterson – Patterson Promotions http://www.pattersonpromotions.com/

“Good Morning Holy Spirit” – by Benny Hinn. A great teaching tool on the work of the Holy Spirit.

“Battlefield Of The Mind” by Joyce Meyer. I haven’t read it all but it is a great teaching tool on controlling what and where our mind wants to take us.

Also, anything by TD Jakes.


Faye Carney – Kentwood, Louisiana

“He Still Moves Stones” – by Max Lucado. This book is the very first one I ever read by Max. It is awesome. Max always talks and instructs you down on your level, he never talks above your head or your educational level.

“The Great House of God” – by Max Lucado. Max takes you through Heaven as if you were touring a home here on earth. It is wonderful to take a tour of heaven in this way. You have to choose the very best room for yourself. Personally I love the dining room. It is the place where you can sit down with God Almighty and Jesus too.

“He Chose the Nails” – by Max Lucado. When Christ chose to obey His Father’s will and come to earth to die on the Cross for our sins, He chose those three nails that would hang Him on that Tree. He chose to go through all that pain for me and for you.

Bonus: “It’s Not About Me” by Max Lucado. In a me society, in a me/I/myself world, it is not about me; it is about telling the world about Jesus Christ as each and everyone’s Lord and Savior.

Faye also gave us her top Children’s books, all by Max Lucado:

“The Crippled Lamb” – by Max Lucado. This story is about a crippled lamb who is able to give Baby Jesus a special gift. This is not in the biblical story of Christ’s birth but it has a wonderful message for both adults as well as the youngest of children.

“Jacob’s Gift” – by Max Lucado. This also takes place during the time of Christ’s birth. Jacob is in a workshop and chooses to create something that becomes the manger that Jesus lies in.

“Because I Love You” – by Max Lucado. Would Paladin be able to discover the answer he went looking for and could he understand just how deeply he was loved?

Bonus: “You Are Special” – by Max Lucado. Children and adults can learn that God loves each one of us just as we are.


Arthur Rice

Arthur Rice – The Kingdom Heirs http://kingdomheirs.com/

“Dispensational Truth” -  by Clarence Larkin

“Arnold Palmer, a Personal Journey” – by Thomas Hauser

“The Unstoppable Golfer” – by Dr. Bob Rotella.

I’m kind of a golf nut!


Dave Hamm – Hamilton, Ontario http://www.davehamm.com/

“The Spiritual Man” – by Watchman Nee. This book deals with body, soul and spirit. An important aspect of Christian living often overlooked.

“Life In The Spirit” – by Thomas Oden (third volume in a three-volume set). This one deals with the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer and much more! This is more of a theological commentary.

“Christianity’s Dangerous Idea” -  by Alister McGrath, deals with the Protestant Movement from its historical origins to present day. A fascinating look at the movement.


Rhonda Frye – Singer/songwriter, http://rhondafrye.com/

Editor of SGNScoops Magazine http://www.sgnscoops.com/

“So Long, Insecurity” – by Beth Moore. This is a must-read for every woman. It is a book I’ve read several times and one I’ve given as gifts to women and young girls that have been hurt or rejected. It teaches that no-one can take your dignity as it is God-given. Everyone is born with dignity. Oh wow, it is such a powerful book!


Nancy Boese – St. Catharines, Ontario http://nkbphotography.ca/

“The Church of Irresistible Influence” – by Robert Lewis. We just finished this book in our Elders Board before Christmas.

“The Intentional Church” – by Randy Pope. I am half way through  this book which is a great follow up to “The Church of Irresistible Influence.”

We have been focusing on making our church a place that would be missed by the community if we disappeared suddenly.  The first gave us some great inspiration, as it is an explanation of an Arkansas church experience in reaching out into their city.  The second is instructional on how to develop a set of values and a mission that will enable the church to be an organism of outreach.


Scott Rhoades – Inspirational Writer, Speaker, Storyteller www.scottrhoades.net,

Writer for SGNScoops http://www.sgnscoops.com/

“The Traveler’s Gift” – by Andy Andrews. Andy Andrews takes you on an extraordinary journey with phenomenal historic encounters and seven principles that will change your life forever!

“The Heart Mender” – by Andy Andrews. Who knew forgiveness could be so freeing! Forget Anger Management, how about a world with Anger Resolution!

“Jesus Calling” – by Sarah Young. Sarah Young’s devotional will prepare your heart for the most intimate relationship with the Creator Himself! Be prepared to let go, and let God!


Lilly Senko – Windsor, Ontario  http://www.absolutelyperfectweddingservices.com/

You Were Born For This” by David Wilkinson

Put Your Dream To the Test” by John Maxwell

Any book authored by Smith Wigglesworth himself that is still in print. These books moved me and made me cry, which is s good thing!

52 Lies Heard In Church Every Sunday … and Why the Truth Is So Much Better” – by Steve McVey. Someone recently loaned me this book. I am reading it right now and can’t put it down! When you get to my age, you begin to realize many of the churchy things you thought to be the truth are actually lies and keep you in bondage. I am totally focused on reading only the Bible these days; however, because the Holy Spirit put this book into my hands, I am getting blessed, freed and overcoming left and right! I cannot believe the transformation in my thinking and the weight lifting off my soul as God’s Word is declaring truths into my will, mind and emotions. This is a very powerful book and so easy to read. I will be using it for a ladies’ Bible study! This book tops all the other 3 I sent you!


John Mathis Jr.

John Mathis Jr. – Singer/Songwriter, http://www.johnmathisjr.com/

Media Promotion & Music Publishing, The Mansion Records http://www.themansionentertainment.com/

Writer for SGNScoops http://www.sgnscoops.com/

Tired of Trying to Measure Up” – by Jeff VanVonderen. It changed my shame-based view of church and religion to true conviction and a grace based view.


Melissa Flores – General Manager, He’s Alive Radio http://www.hesalive.net/

“The God Who Is There” – by Francis Shaffer. This book will revolutionize the way you view God, and the way He interacts with mankind. Be careful! It could be the unraveling of some entrenched thinking!

“New Kind of Love”  – by  E.W. Kenyon. If you thought you understood love, you’ll find yourself a novice all over again at the close of this short but meaningful book.

“How to Handle Your Emotions” – by June Hunt. Every person involved in ministry or outreach needs a copy of this book on his or her shelf. Before we can walk alongside anyone in their journey to wholeness, we must be sure we are whole ourselves. I highly recommend this book as a tool for self-discovery and for inner healing.


Josh Copenhaver

Josh Copenhaver – Singer, GloryWay Quartet http://www.glorywayquartet.org/

“Who Needs a Superhero? Finding Virtue, Vice and What’s Holy in the Comics” – by H. Michael Brewer, because everyone loves a good superhero!

Stuff Christians Like” – by Jonathan Acuff, because it’s all so true and funny.

Through My Eyes” – by Nathan Whitaker and Tim Tebow. Tim is a great Christian leader with an awesome story.


Mark Bishop- Singer/Songwriter http://www.markbishopmusic.com/

Mark Bishop

I am always reading.  I will share some of what I have been reading lately, though I do not relegate myself to only Christian books. I have recently read a couple of books by Craig Groeschel.  He writes Christian motivational type books.  I have read:

“Weird (Because Normal Isn’t Working)” – by Craig Groeschel.

“The Christian Atheist (Believing In God But Living As If He Doesn’t Exist)” – by Craig Groeschel.  These are both very inspiring to make you get up and do something for the Kingdom.

“Shulz and Peanuts: A Biography”by David Michaels.  It’s the biography of Charles Shulz, creator of Charlie Brown and Peanuts.  He was a great Christian and his work and life are fascinating to me.


Jennifer Campbell – Singer/songwriter, Teacher, http://www.jennifercampbell.net/

Writer for SGNScoops http://www.sgnscoops.com/

It’s hard to narrow it down to three. The Bible is number one, of course. As far as other recommendations:

The Shelter of God’s Promises” – by Sheila Walsh, is a must read and will encourage Christians and non-Christians alike.

“Angel Song” – by Sheila Walsh and Kathryn Cushman, is another good read, an inspirational fiction. I have given this book as gifts and read it myself. Such an inspiring story!


Thanks to all of our contributors for sharing their reading choices with us. We hope you find something to add to your list of books to read in this coming year. May you be inspired by God-given words to authors who have chosen to give their writing to Him.

And don’t forget to return to SGMRadio every week in 2013 for new and inspiring articles! Happy New Year!

By Lorraine Walker

Raised in southern Ontario, Canada, Lorraine developed a love for music at an early age and enjoys listening to a variety of Christian, Country, Pop and R&B music. A love for writing and a need to share the love of Jesus through her thoughts have come together with an enjoyment of Southern Gospel, enabling her to contribute to SGM Radio website, SGN Scoops Digital, and the Southern Styles Show. Lorraine tweets at http://twitter.com/SGMRadioLorrain and blogs at http://sgmradio.blogspot.com/ and can also be found on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/walker.lorraine