• Mon. Mar 31st, 2025
Rebecca Little


By Rebecca Little

“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”  Hebrews 12:1-2

I absolutely hate running.  I fully believe there are people that the Lord gives the ability to run like Forest Gump, but I am for sure not one of them.  I was talking to a friend of mine the other day about running and we were going through the usual banter which typically involves me listening to her tell me about finishing up her last marathon, followed by her attempts at encouragement, which I’m sure we have all heard or said ourselves, “At least you are beating everyone on the couch!” Don’t get me wrong; I’m thankful for her encouragement, but something stings about those words coming from 30-something, mother of two, when they’re aimed at a 20-something mother of none.  She is certainly an inspiration in my life.

Although this really is the pattern that most of our running conversations follow, I made a comment to her that, after I said it, echoed in my mind the rest of the day.  I said to her, “I just don’t know how you do it! I wish I loved running more, but I am ready for the finish line before I start the race.”  What a pitiful mindset.

Sometimes we are like this in our Christian life, aren’t we? Another day, another hard life to face.  I will admit, some days I am ready for nighttime to come before I even get out of bed to start my day.  I simply don’t want to face the hardships that 16 hours of wakefulness may bring.  The truth of the matter is that God has called us to so much more: an abundant life in Him.

Think with me about the apostle Paul.  If there was ever a man that walked this earth that had a reason to dread another day at times, it was him.  Yet he writes that he has learned in every circumstance to be content [See Philippians 4:11-14].  I believe Paul realized the incredible value of a relationship with Christ.  In a day of his life he faced more than most of us will ever face in our lifetime, but he recognized the immeasurable worth of knowing and walking with the Lord.  You see, if you have the privilege of knowing the Lord, you have all you will ever need.

My friend responded to my statements saying, “Rebecca, there’s nothing quite like the feeling of crossing that finish line. Place one foot in front of the other and know that you can keep going.“

Dear one, no matter where you are in this race called life, whether in the valley or on the mountain, rest assured the Lord is already there. He is your portion. He is your supply.  And just like my friend reminded me, the situations of this life will one day pale in comparison to crossing the finish line into Heaven and hearing my sweet Savior welcome me home saying “Well done my faithful servant!”   Be encouraged as you run the race today and think about what your mindset says to others.  The Christian race is one worth running and finishing well.  Get out there and run the race with Christ by your side. It just takes one step at a time. shoes two edited








As a new feature for 2013, SGMRadio will be posting guest blogs from Christian writers across the nation and across the world. Some of these writers are musicians, some are photographers, some are philosophers. We hope that you embrace each one as they give a part of themselves to our world.

For this blog, SGMRadio hopes you will welcome with us, guest blogger Rebecca Little of The Littles who has given us inspiration to run the race of life with more diligence. We hope you take the time to read and consider Rebecca’s encouragement to you today. Please access The Little’s website which features a blog as well as information and a tour schedule: http://jacklittleministries.com/bio.cfm . Don’t forget to leave Rebecca a note by email rebecca@jacklittleministries.com and thank her for her contribution to SGMRadio and our world.

Follow Rebecca on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/rebeccajan1?fref=ts

And Twitter https://twitter.com/rebeccajlittle



Rebecca Little

Rebecca Little
Rebecca Little


Rebecca Little is the lead vocalist for The Littles out of Monroe, North Carolina.  At 23 years old, her passion is living a life for the Lord, serving Him and making His Name known.  Follow her on twitter @rebeccajlittle! For more information about The Littles, please visit www.thelittlesmusic.com, and find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/thelittlesmusic




By SGM Radio

SGM Radio is southern gospel music's #1 internet radio station. Every month, we feature the voices of dynamic writers on a variety of Christian worldview topics. Every day, we play the best and brightest in southern gospel at www.sgmradio.com