By Dixie Phillips

One December morning a blizzard was brewing in northern Iowa. I would miss a day of fifth grade because school had been cancelled.
“Brrrrrr.†The blast of frigid temperatures made my mother’s teeth chatter. “It’s freezing out there.â€
When I spoke, my warm breath fogged over the cold pane of glass on our window. “Glad I’m inside where it’s warm.â€
As Mom admired the white landscape, a dark shadow loomed in the distance. “Who on earth would be traipsing around in this weather?â€
I squinted, trying to catch a glimpse of the mysterious person. “It’s Keith—the homeless man!â€
Mom shot out the door and frantically waved her arms. “Keith! Woo hoo! Come on in and have some breakfast.â€
A thin, shabbily dressed man who resembled some character from a Dickens’ novel entered our home and eyed the bacon sizzling in the pan. “That sure smells good.â€
“We’re glad you could join us for breakfast today, Keith.†Mom poured a steaming cup of coffee for our guest of honor.
“Me, too.â€
Even though school was cancelled that day, I learned a valuable life lesson about caring for those who’ve seen a tough life. My mother taught me that God always makes room for those special souls who have graduated from the University of Adversity and I should too.
Special guest author Dixie Phillips currently writes for SGN Scoops digital magazine