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Month: May 2013

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Reality Check: Heal Me Where It Counts

Have you had a serious disease, chronic illness or had a loved one whose pain and suffering seemed endless? Then I am sure that you have prayed about the situation,…

Guest Blog: Randy Miller

Well here we go!! It is early in the morning here and I just had my second serving of  pollen. Yep, that’s right, pollen. That stuff is flying around…

Jim Mahalick Returns

The Gospel Music world may be referred to as a swinging door, but audiences are always eager to welcome the return of talented artists who have left the stage in…

THE HEART OF THE MATTER: A Conversation with Three Bridges

I first heard Three Bridges a few years ago on my local radio station. They were playing a song called, “I’m A Soldier”. I remember thinking to myself, “Those guys…

Young Gospel’s Fast Five Facts With Rebecca Little

Rebecca Little is the lead vocalist for The Littles out of Monroe, North Carolina. At 23 years old, her passion is living a life for the Lord, serving Him and…

Pike’s Point: Body Parts

One of my favorite songs from my “Blood Kin” album is ‘His Blood Has Made Us One.’ The chorus is, “His blood has made us one; the blood of God’s…

Words of Comfort

In 1 Thessalonians 4:18, the apostle Paul writes, “Wherefore, comfort one another with these words.” The words he speaks of are in verses 13-17, in which believers who have put…

The Power of Stillness.

“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10 It seems at times we live in a world that is moving at supersonic speed as we are inundated with…

May 2013 SGNScoops Magazine

We are proud of the May issue! In fact, it’s not even summer yet, but this issue sizzles! Aaron and Amanda Crabb spice up the cover, and their interview will…

Celebrating Mother’s Day: Not Always the Easiest Time of the Year

By Steve Boctor—Husband, Father, Author & Pastor Mother’s Day can be an absolutely wonderful day of celebration. I can picture the children and their dad tip toeing to the kitchen…