• Thu. Feb 27th, 2025


IMG00212-20110713-1232In 1 Thessalonians 4:18, the apostle Paul writes, “Wherefore, comfort one another with these words.”

The words he speaks of are in verses 13-17, in which believers who have put their faith in Christ refer to as the Rapture. Now the word ‘Rapture’ is not in the Bible, it is a Latin term meaning caught up, referring to the time when Jesus returns to earth to ‘catch up’ His children and take them to His Home. Jesus’ coming is comforting to those who believe in Him, what He has done on the cross, and in His burial and resurrection three days later. 

During this time of the year during which we, as Americans celebrate, remember and honor our moms, dads, and those who have fought in service for our freedom, we take time to remember those who have gone before us. And while we miss them and they are in our memory, we are comforted by what Paul says here, that we’ll meet them again.

We also look to Christ’s return as we are comforted by knowing we will no longer suffer in sickness nor have to go through pain that comes emotionally, physically, mentally, or spiritually. 

Now, Paul wrote this letter to the church at Thessalonica over 1900 years ago while on his second missionary trip and even then the disciples were anticipating the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Can you just imagine now as we see the events mentioned in The Bible how close we are? Joans sunset

It may be today or tomorrow, but we know it to be imminent if not even more immediate than it was when Paul penned the letter. 

So if you are in need of some comfort, let me show you what the Word of God has in store for you.


By Stephen Widener

Stephen Widener
Stephen Widener


By Stephen Widener

Stephen Widener is an ordained Pastor, Southern Gospel Singer, Musician, and Youth basketball Coach from North Carolina. A fan of Southern Gospel, he has been in and around the industry for several years, as well as having relatives within the industry. Stephen can be found in many places on the web including Facebook and Twitter, but you can reach him personally at snwidener2000@yahoo.com.