• Mon. Mar 31st, 2025
Rob, Rhonda, Lorraine and Triumphant Quartet
Rob Patz, Rhonda Frye, Lorraine Walker, The Booth Brothers
Rob Patz, Rhonda Frye, Lorraine Walker, The Booth Brothers

The year was 1993 and Gold City was heard all over the airways with ‘There Rose A Lamb’, winning the prestigious Singing News Award for Favorite Group. The GMA Dove Award for Southern Gospel Album of the Year was awarded to Bill and Gloria Gaither for “Reunion – A Gospel Homecoming Celebration”, the second recording in a historic series that continues to this day. It was the last year of The Talleys, the trio that consisted of Debra and Roger and Kirk Talley. 1993 was a year of milestones, including the start of the syndicated Southern Styles Show with Rob Patz.

The Southern Styles Show began its syndication run on three stations, quickly gaining ground as another eleven stations picked up the show in one month. In the beginning, the lively commentary and more progressive-style Southern line-up were not always understood by some markets. However, the Show quickly caught on, moving to 25 stations in the first three months. By the end of the first year, Southern Styles was playing on over 60 stations. 

Rob Patz, host of the Southern Styles Show, was a newcomer to Southern Gospel in 1993 and comments on his introduction to the music. “The first three stations were a network of stations that I had worked at,” says Rob. “They had been airing a Southern Gospel program that had been on the air since 1984. The host retired and I was the next one in line to take it over. When the producers handed me the show and told me this was what I was going to play, I said I didn’t know anything about Southern Gospel. They handed me a stack of Singing News from the previous three years and said, “Go learn!”

Rob and Ann Downing
Rob and Ann Downing

Within a few weeks Rob Patz had begun the Southern Styles Show and started his education in Southern Gospel. He began to host concerts in the area, meet the artists and learn about the history of the music. The first concerts hosted by Rob included artists such as Heaven Bound and the Hoppers. “Claude is a wonderful gentleman and this concert was the first of several concerts we had with the Hoppers. This was the first time I had met them and I was really impressed.” 

Rob is pleased that of the original stations that were the first to host the Southern Styles Show in the early months, six affiliates are still airing the syndicated program. “These are people that believed in me long before anyone else did or even before we believed in what we were doing,” says Rob. “We were still just feeling our way along and these guys saw a vision of what we were hoping to be. That was amazing.”

The Southern Styles Show began to add other features to the weekly programming that became a hit with their audience.  “After the first year we began to add an interview segment but this was not a regular part of the Show until about 2004 when Karen Winternheimer came on board,” says Rob. “Since that time, interviews have become a larger part of the show. But back then, we would do interviews to promote a presentation only if there was a big event or a major concert.”

Rob, Rhonda, Kim and Dean Hopper
Rob, Rhonda, Kim and Dean Hopper

The Martins were the first radio interview that Rob did for the Southern Styles Show. The trio appeared on the Show following their 1995 Dove Award win for Southern Gospel Album and Song of the Year. The Show sponsored a “High Tea” celebration at the National Quartet Convention for several years and the Martins were their musical guests at the 1995 gathering. 


In the twenty years since the beginning of the program, Rob has noticed some changes in the music he has been playing. “Southern Gospel has become more progressive-sounding,” says Rob. “Whether that is good or bad, I don’t know. From the start, I was known as someone who played a lot of progressive music. So in a way, it seems as if the Industry has come to where I already was, because we were already playing that style of music.”


Rob and Kelly Nelon
Rob and Kelly Nelon

“That’s not to say I don’t love great traditional music by groups like the Cathedrals, Florida Boys and the Kingsmen,” Rob continues. “In the 90’s when I started, those groups were putting out great music. But I also liked artists such as Won By One, Buddy Mullin’s group Sunday Drive, and the Martins who were all fantastic, more progressive-sounding groups. I think some of that had to do with my age because I was a young guy at the time. Not that I’m old now, just not as young as I was then!”




Rob and Greater Vision
Rob and Greater Vision

“It’s been an exciting time to watch new artists. We have a feature on the show we call ‘Breakout Artists’, people that our listeners may not have heard of, or are just getting to know. We’ve had several of those artists on the show over the last few years that have been really fantastic people. It’s exciting to watch their ministries grow and to sow into their ministries, by having them on the Show to talk about their music.”


In 1993, Patz also began Coastal Media Group, which became the umbrella for several media arms, including The Southern Styles Show, SGM Radio website and more recently SGN Scoops digital magazine and Creekside Gospel Music Convention.  SGM Radio website was brought online in 2004 to host a Gospel and Country internet radio station as well as a message board and a site for artist interviews, features and devotionals. As interest in the message board wound down, the main site grew in hits and now sees approximately 500,000 hits per month.

Rob, Rhonda and Karen Peck and New River
Rob, Rhonda and Karen Peck and New River

In 2009, Patz purchased SGN Scoops and The Diamond Awards from Allen Smith and turned Scoops into one of today’s most exciting online and fully downloadable free Christian music magazines. The Diamond Awards has become one of the main events at the annual Creekside Gospel Music Convention in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

“It’s been a great run,” says Rob. “I’m excited about what is ahead in the next twenty years, if the Lord is willing that we are still here.”

The years of growth of his different media interests have been an educational time for Rob. “What I have learned the most is to continue to do what God wants you to do, whether anyone but you and God believe in it or not. That’s sometimes the case when you are doing radio or any form of media. There are times when you are the only person that believes in it, other than that you believe that God has sent you to do it. You have to believe in it and pray about it.”

“I think that lately we have become more comfortable with what we are doing,” says Patz. “I look at this as what God has for me as my ministry. Like any person that has a career in any field, you get better the more you hone your craft and you take time to do the small things. I will never fully reach what I want to be because I’m a perfectionist. For me, it’s a continual striving to get to the next level. I want to be the best interviewer possible and I have begun to study others who interview to find out why they do what they do. After twenty years, I think I am just starting to understand what I’m doing,” Rob laughs. “That’s pretty sad, but I’m a slow learner I guess!”

Rob and Lou HIldreth
Rob and Lou HIldreth

Some of the major benchmarks for the Southern Styles Show have represented milestones personally for Rob. Highlights included having fifty stations on the syndication list within the first year and the airing of the 500th show. At reaching twenty years of syndication, Rob is thankful for what God has allowed him to do through the Show. He has had the opportunity to interview some gifted artists including Gordon Mote, who Rob says has a ‘great heart and a great sense of humor’. Josh Singletary is another favorite interviewee; an artist who often joins Rob on his “RobTV” video clips. Rob shares, “We have had many artists on the show that I respect and that are people that have made a great impact on the industry.”

“RobTV” began at NQC 2008 and has now morphed into “Scoops TV”, with interviewers from the SGN Scoops writing staff. Scoops TV has hosted many of today’s top Gospel artists including the Booth Brothers, Ernie Haase and Signature Sound, Red Roots, The Hoppers, The Whisnants, Triumphant, Tribute, Karen Peck and New River, and many more. The National Quartet Convention has also become a very busy time for the SGM Radio and SGN Scoops staff as many interviews for the print media happen at this time of year.

Rob Patz is grateful for his staff that continue to bring their best gifts to all of the Coastal Media branches. He knows that this is not just a hobby for them. “When you are a Christian and you do anything, whether you are in a ministry per se or not, it is a ministry. It doesn’t matter whether you are a nurse or a teacher or whatever your job might be. I think that everywhere you are, and every form of work you can do, there is something that touches someone’s life. God just asks us to do what we do for Him.”

Rob and Brian Free and Assurance
Rob and Brian Free and Assurance

“For me, at an early age, I felt a real calling to ministry. I didn’t know what it was at first and it didn’t become clear to me until I began to work in media. From that point on I knew this was what I was supposed to do and it really clicked for me. I’ve always tried to inject that feeling of ministry into the Show and everything I’ve been a part of through the years.”

Rob continues, “Every interview with our staff is a vehicle for artists to talk about whatever ministry they have. The radio show, website and magazine give listeners and readers a chance to not think about whatever their problems are; or even better, they can hear a song that answers their problems, because God is the Answer. The Lord often uses a song to minister to somebody.” 

Rob, Rhonda, Lorraine and Triumphant Quartet
Rob, Rhonda, Lorraine and Triumphant Quartet

Coastal Media regularly receives mail from listeners about how a story, interview or song has touched someone’s life. “I got a letter from a young lady from Oklahoma who told me that she was 14 years old, and she and her mom spend the time listening together to the Southern Styles Show because they both love Southern Gospel. So that is an hour that they share together.”

“We received a letter from a lady who lives in a retirement center, who is not able to live on her own anymore. She said she listened to the Show because she loved the fact that there was laughter on the show. She doesn’t hear much laughter in her life. So that proved to us that what we do is a ministry that touches people’s lives.” 

Rob sees this ministry expanding and is excited about what God may have in store for him. “There are a lot of things I would love to do and there is a great future for what we are doing. I would like to continue to be an active part of the future of Southern Gospel Music. Our biggest goal is to take Southern Gospel to other audiences. We constantly working on ways to bring our product to new people. So that is exciting!”

SGN Scoops staff
SGN Scoops staff

Personally, Rob is looking to the Lord for goals and future plans for his ministry. As he works toward the goal of being a great interviewer, he shares his thoughts of who would be his ‘dream’ interview. “I think it would be interesting to really talk to Mosie Lister. I’d love to talk to him about how he writes his songs. I’d love to talk to him about the history of Southern Gospel.” 

Outside of Christian music, Rob has had a goal for some years to talk to one specific person. “I have always wanted to have a sports show, and would love to talk to Roger Starbuck, the quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys in the ‘70’s. I lived in Minnesota and he threw a touchdown that kept the Vikings out of the Superbowl. He’s a great Christian man and I would like to ask him why he needed to break a little Minnesota boy’s heart. He did break my heart and it took several months for it to heal,” Rob laughs. “That would be the interview I’ve always wanted to do!

After 20 years, Rob Patz is looking forward to a future filled with new opportunities and ways to expand his ministry. The opportunities for media outreaches that honor God and serve His people are endless. Patz hopes to be there for another twenty years as his endeavors grow together with Southern Gospel Music to reach countless people with the good news of the Gospel.


Happy Anniversary, Rob Patz, From Many Of Your Industry Friends…

Rob has been a trusted friend for 20 years. Rob is a spiritual guy with a heart for the gospel first and foremost. I am very proud of Rob Patz…a man from Washington who has never bought me even ONE cup of coffee. – Dr. Jeff Steele, Pastor, Speaker, SGN Scoops Columnist and Member of The Steeles

Rob Patz….someone who really does love gospel music, I appreciate his passion and joy, even in just talking about the music. – Ann Downing, Solo Artist

It was a personal thrill to present the 2011 “Lou Hildreth Award” to Rob Patz, President, Coastal Media. This award is given annually at the Diamond Awards to acknowledge the contribution of a behind-the-scenes individual within the gospel music industry. It is not given to an artist, but to a person who deserves recognition for significant contribution to all facets of gospel music. Rob Patz is a gracious leader who works tirelessly and effectively to broaden the influence of the message of gospel music. – Lou Hildreth, Southern Gospel Industry Leader

Rob Patz has been a dear friend for many years. I can remember before ever seeing him face to face we would talk on the phone for hours, talking about Gospel music. He has a love for our music like I do. Rob, I celebrate with you, your 20 years and hope we can celebrate the next 20 years!  Congratulations my friend with love! – Kelly Nelon Clark, Member of The Nelons

When I think of Rob and his ministry heart, I am reminded of this statement: Gifts and talents can take you to the top, but it is character that keeps you there. Thank you, Rob, for 20 years of faithfulness and being a man of integrity for Jesus Christ. I am so thankful to be a part of SCOOPS and have appreciated your kind and encouraging heart. Congrats on this ministry milestone. The best is yet to come. – Dixie Phillips, Songwriter, SGN Scoops Staff Writer

I have really come to appreciate Rob Patz’ commitment to providing not just great entertainment via sgnscoops.com online magazine, but also the honest and sincere information that he provides, which his readers have come to enjoy and expect.  His dedication and commitment to detail only work to strengthen our industry of Southern Gospel Music.  The stronger Southern Gospel Music is, then the more people are blessed, challenged and inspired by the word of God in song.  Thanks for everything you do, Rob, and congratulations on your FIRST 20 years!  God bless you my friend. – Bob Sellers, member of The Kingsmen

I think that Rob has done a great job. I wish him as much success in 20 more if the Lord tarries. – Stephen Widener, Member of Faithful and SGM Radio Staff Writer

Congrats Rob for 20 years in SGM! Yvonne and I appreciate your professionalism, your humor and your dedication to the Artists. However, we are blessed to partner with you in sharing Christ with the World.  We’re honored to call you friend. — Bryan and Yvonne Hutson, SGM Radio Writer, Bryan Hutson is a Member of Soul’d Out

Being one of the newer members of the SGN Scoops staff, I haven’t had the pleasure of working with Rob as long as some others, but it has been a pleasure, nonetheless. Rob has a laid-back demeanor and his rapport with members of the Southern Gospel community have helped build SGN Scoops into what it has become. Most importantly, his goal of communicating what is going on with individuals in the Southern Gospel industry – with the ultimate goal of boosting a genre of music with a life-changing message – is why Rob Patz is so influential, well-respected and loved by so many. – Craig Harris, SGN Scoops Writer

I want to congratulate my friend, Rob Patz, on twenty years in Gospel music. I greatly admire Rob and his work in various music media platforms. Keep up the great work, Brother.  Here’s to twenty more! – Channing Eleton, Solo Artist and Pianist

I met Rob for the first time when my sister and I went to Chattanooga TN one summer… so I’ve known him for a few years and am glad he gave me the chance to be a part of SGN Scoops.  He and his family are driven to share the love of God through gospel music, and I have been blessed to be a part of that vision in a small way. – Joan Walker, SGN Scoops Proofreader

Congratulations Rob!  Thanks for your dedication and commitment over the last 20 years!  What you do allows all of us to reach more people than we could have ever imagined!  — David Staton, Member of Glass Temple

Over the past three years I have come to know Rob Patz as a man of character and integrity. He and I have a lot in common as we are both Pastor’s sons. He has a great love of Southern Gospel Music and a desire for the rest of the world to hear this beautiful music. His efforts to promote this music are shown through his work at SGN Scoops which is appreciated by all artists. I pray that his efforts at Creekside Convention are met with much success. I pray that God honors and furthers his desire to spread this wonderful music to the world. I am honored to call Rob Patz my friend. – Dennis Powers, Manager of The Skyline Boys

It has been my honor to know Rob Patz! This industry would be a lot better if it had more men of Faith and Integrity like Rob! Truly a fine example of a true friend and Christian Man! – Ava Kasich, Solo Artist

I am proud to all Rob my friend. I don’t believe anyone loves our music more than him and he has done a lot to grow our style of music. I think he id truly a leader in everything he does and I look forward to seeing how God uses him the next 20 years.  – Jonathan Edwards, Member of Faith’s Journey

I am the guy who nicknamed Rob “The Icon” because he was the first to roll out a digital online southern gospel magazine, “SGN Scoops Digital”.  – Chris Hester, Solo Artist

Rob Patz is a professional. When Lorraine Walker asked me some time back if I’d be interested in writing a monthly article—-well, I hesitated. When I read or listen to Rob’s blogs or articles, it is very clear to me that I am most certainly not in the same category by a long shot. I find that I can learn so much from Rob. He sets the bar very high! – Philip Foster, SGM Radio Staff Writer

Rob is the kind of person who would give you the shoes off of his feet if you had none, buy you a meal if you were hungry, and encourage you if you were downtrodden. He is a people person and he always knows just what to say to brighten your day. I appreciate his leadership, his passion for the Southern Gospel Music industry, and his heart for the Lord. Thank you, Rob, for answering the call and stepping up to the plate as our fearless leader! – Jennifer Campbell, SGN Scoops Staff Writer

Ron Patz is enthusiast for Southern Gospel Music. It’s always been a joy for me to talk with Rob, or Scoops because he wants to keep the music I love alive! – Jason Funderburk, Driven

It takes more than just the singers to get the Gospel out in Gospel music. I am always grateful to the men and women who use their talents off the stage to further the Gospel. So a big thank you and congratulations to Rob for 20 years of service to our Lord in Gospel music. – Michael Booth, The Booth Brothers

Rob has always amazed me. I don’t know anyone else that can be in so many places, or have his finger in so many pies at once. I have to say that there have been times I have wondered if there are really more than one of him. It’s then, in those moments of deepest pondering that I realize just how scary the concept of cloning really is. Seriously my friend, congratulations on 20 years of hard work, dedication and contribution to the Southern Gospel world. Where would we be without you?……..Well, probably still here, just without someone to wear those snazzy blazers. – Jimmy McMillan, McMillan and Life

Rob….congratulations on 20 years!!! My first big interview (as a gospel songwriter) was with you. If memory serves it was after my song “What Salvations Done for Me” (written with Dianne Wilkinson) was announced as the NQC “Song of the Year”. I hope that we will reconnect someday soon. May the Good Lord continue to bless you and your work. – Rusty Golden, Songwriter

I appreciate Rob being genuine! As long as I’ve known him, he’s never put on a front or tried to be someone he wasn’t. He’s a honest, Christian man. We need more folks like him in the industry! He’s top notch in my book! – Barry Shadrix, The Shadrix Trio

Rob is always someone we can count on to bring energy to an interview.  He is very quick witted and knowledgeable about the field of Southern Gospel music, yet he has a unique way of asking us something we’ve never been asked before.  Congratulations on 20 years, Rob!  We look forward to the next 20! – Rodney Griffin, Greater Vision

Rob has been a friend to Gospel Music & The Hoppers personally. Wishing you all the best!! Congratulations… – Mike Hopper, The Hoppers

I have known Rob for about 7 years now and he has become one of my favorite people. When you spend time on this side of the Southern Gospel industry you meet a lot of people and Rob is one of the best! I consider Rob to be a great friend! I hope he hangs out in Southern Gospel for another 20 years because it’s quality people like Rob Patz that gives Southern Gospel a good, positive and quality image. Thanks for everything Rob. We love you! – Greg Inman, Gospel Gigs

I am proud to call Rob my friend and wish him another 50 years of success in Southern Gospel Music.  – Matthew Dudney, 4 Star Management

When I started out in Southern Gospel Music, Rob Patz was one of the first people in the radio industry to support my ministry.  I will never forget that.  They don’t come any better than Rob.  – Christy Sutherland, singer/songwriter







By Lorraine Walker

Raised in southern Ontario, Canada, Lorraine developed a love for music at an early age and enjoys listening to a variety of Christian, Country, Pop and R&B music. A love for writing and a need to share the love of Jesus through her thoughts have come together with an enjoyment of Southern Gospel, enabling her to contribute to SGM Radio website, SGN Scoops Digital, and the Southern Styles Show. Lorraine tweets at http://twitter.com/SGMRadioLorrain and blogs at http://sgmradio.blogspot.com/ and can also be found on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/walker.lorraine