• Sun. Mar 30th, 2025
Well…today is the day after MEDIA NIGHT at the infamous Ed Mirvish Theatre, in Toronto!
Return to Grace
Return to Grace

This area has become known as “Broadway North” and I have the privilege of being in a great show called “Return To Grace”.  This is an Elvis show…it features the music of Elvis, right from his humble beginnings to the historic Aloha Concert from 1973.I am the leader of the Quartet (which simply means I was there to help the producer of the show find the singers for the Quartet).  Our job is to be the “Stamps / Jordanaires / Imperials” that backed up Elvis!

It really is a lot of fun.  I brought in Gene MacDonald for the first run through. Gene used to be the bass for the Florida Boys, now is on tour with the Gaithers and just happens to be JD Sumner’s god-son. However, because of scheduling, Gene could not be with us the last few times we did the show. So I called my good friend Mike Allen who used to sing bass with Poet Voices and others, and we met while on tour with the Gaithers. Singing lead is an incredible singer and my nephew, Joey Goodwin, and we have a wonderful new tenor for this show named Clayton Labbe from Toronto.

Elvis Return to Grace
Elvis Return to Grace
Because I brought in the singers, I got relegated to the spot that was not taken…baritone! If any of you are familiar with my quartet history, or know my current music, you will know I am not a baritone! But the music is great, the friendships are great, so you do what you gotta do!
This show has played four runs at the Fallsview Casino in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Great runs…sold out shows…runs of 24 shows at a time…done very well! The producer of the show, a good friend from Kitchener, Ontario is Rob Asselstine. Rob is an incredible musician and a wonderful guy to work with! He has poured his life into this show and others and finally people are starting to see that! Ed Mirvish Productions and Rob came to an agreement about this show doing a two week run in the famous Ed Mirvish Theatre, past home to The Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables and many others.
Opening Night Audience
Opening Night Audience
Low expectations, high sweat equity and the gathering of good people that enjoy putting on a great show; that is the philosophy of Rob! He has put together another wonderful cast of people again and Steve Michaels, who plays Elvis, is AMAZING!
Last night we had our “official opening” for the media. I have not heard a bad review. The crowds have been SOLD OUT and their response has been overwhelming!
I can say that this run has been so much fun so far. We are only four shows into a 16 show run, but the energy of the cast and the response of the crowd has been priceless.
Also, we get a chance to do a gospel section of the show. Many people have said to me that the highlight for them was when we had a chance to do “How Great Thou Art” with Elvis, which is a highlight for me as well.
I will always sing wherever I am able. I will always carry the Cross to where ever I am. I pray that all who see me perform, or talk to me backstage will know that Jesus is my Lord and that I love to love people. I am so fortunate to do what I love. I owe all I have to the One who gave me all I have!
Thank you, Thank you very much!! (Elvis tone expected!)
Kevin Pauls
Kevin Pauls
Kevin Pauls