• Sun. Mar 30th, 2025
Katie Erwin

By Erin Stevins

Not many people on the outside looking in understand the joys and stresses of growing up in ministry. It takes a true roadie to handle this fast-paced, tear-down-set-up lifestyle. Dennis and Tiffany Erwin have lived what it means to “Train up a child (or four children) in the way he/she must go,” and the fruit of their labor is so visibly seen in the young life of their spunky, soon-to-be 14-year-old daughter, Katie. This little lady rounds out her brothers on stage night after night with her jaw-dropping, powerhouse pipes. Let’s see what the Birthday Girl is up to on the road, and what she’s been cooking up in the kitchen. Ladies and gentlemen, Katie Erwin…


Erin: At what age did you start singing, and when was the first time you stepped on stage?

Katie: I’m pretty sure I came into the world singing, but the first time I sang on stage was around age four.


Katie Erwin 2001
Katie Erwin 2001

Erin: With having to keep three older brothers in line, what are the pros and cons of traveling with your family 24/7?

Katie: Well, the cons of traveling with three older brothers would definitely be that we only have one mirror on the bus. So, when there are six of us that have to get ready, it can get pretty crazy! It’s a really good day when I get there before they do. On the bright side, I always have someone to hang out with. I also get to sing with them and serve the Lord with them. I wouldn’t trade it for anything!


Erin: Describe your most memorable concert, and why it holds such meaning to you personally?

Katie: It would have to be our Back To The Basics CD release concert in August 2013. I was surprised when my all-time favorite female vocalist, TaRanda Greene, showed up at the concert and hid until after it had started so we wouldn’t see her. I had the privilege to sing “Stand By The River” with her. It was such a great night I’ll never forget.


The Erwins
The Erwins

Erin: What activity would you be found enjoying on your off days at home?

Katie: You will probably find me in the kitchen baking or cooking a new recipe that I found on Pinterest. We are always busy on the road, so it’s nice to have a day to relax when we are home every once in a while.


Erin: If you could describe yourself in three words, what would they be?

Katie: ‘Bubbly,’ ‘Outgoing’ and ‘Fun.’ I love to have a good time and can usually find good in any situation.


Erin: (Always a must-ask question) What is your all-time, hands down, absolute favorite food?

Katie: Hmm…this is tough. I like all kinds of food, but I really like Italian! I will eat any kind of pasta dish. I honestly think I am part Italian.


Erin: What are a couple ‘roadie mishap’ stories you’ve experienced while rolling down the road?

Katie: I’m very clumsy, but when the bus is moving, it makes for a dangerous, yet interesting experience! I’ve fallen into our closet, into the bathroom and yes, even into my bunk!


Erin: Share something quirky about yourself that probably no one would ever guess.

Katie: I hate to admit this, but I’m really a blonde. My brothers say I’m not the brightest crayon in the box! I don’t say I have blonde moments; instead, I have “Katie Moments.”


Erin: What is the funniest thing a fan has said to you?

Katie: I had a grandma in Georgia tell me I sang well, but she sure hoped I could find the money to get my teeth fixed someday. I didn’t know there was anything wrong with my teeth, except that I needed braces. I’m happy to tell all my concerned fans that I am getting Invisalign next month!


Erin: Besides singing, what falls under the category of “Katie’s jobs” on the road?

Katie: Kris and I are in charge of the product table, although he would probably say I don’t do much to help. I am in charge of our social media pages like Twitter and Instagram.


Katie singing with Jason Crabb and Mike Bowling
Katie singing with Jason Crabb and Mike Bowling

Erin: As one of the youngest role models in the industry, what encouragement would you give girls your age who are looking up to you?

Katie: Always put God first and seek His will for your life. Never give up on your dreams! They really do come true; they sure have for me.


May we all endeavor to recapture such a child-like innocence in the way we approach our Lord. He will give us the desires of our heart when our heart’s desires begin to look more like His. Then, He will pour out His blessings as we put Him first above all else. Thanks to Katie for hanging out with us and sharing from her heart. The future is bright, beautiful and full of endless “Katie Moments” to come. Please visit Katie and all of the Erwins on the web at http://www.erwinministries.com/ .Until next month, Scoops fans…


And that’s my take on it.


By Erin Stevens

First published by SGN Scoops digital magazine in September 2014

For current issues of SGN Scoops visit http://www.sgnscoops.com/

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