• Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

field-sport-ball-americaWell, it’s here. The long practices, going over the rule changes for this year, reading the playbook, sleepless nights worrying about the right way to go on the field, hoping for the right referees to be in place. Trying to decide which team to root for? Hoping that if you decide one team over the other no matter for what reason that nobody in the family will be mad, hurt, upset or even disown you?

Sounds like headlines across America and social media. You can’t open your eyes without seeing something about choices. The problem is, with seeing so many choices, some are not seeing the real choice in the story. Whether you are for the popular team of the day, which will change from time to time, or for the underdog, someone will always be unhappy that you did not side with them.

Interesting word, side. By definition alone we can see that if it has a side there has to be more than one. There has to be a middle in where both sides meet. It seems that my side is being taken away from me these days. But if I take a stand for my team I am told it is because I hate another team.

I guess I am just one of those crazy fanatics (the word from which we get the word fan) that gets so excited about my team that I would love to share my love for the Head Coach with everybody. He has the best playbook I have ever read from cover to cover. The team itself is not comprised of what you would call star athletes. We have a bunch of ragtag misfits, recovering alcoholics, drug addicts, thugs, murderers, thieves and the list goes one. However, the Head Coach had our records expunged. He knew the Judge and got us out on kind of a work release program. Some of us have different jobs on the team that pretty much fit us but it works when we listen to the Coach and coaching staff.

We of course have our cheerleaders too. Some have been here for a while and can’t cheer as loud or they are so tired of the other team winning, they just sit there watching when we really need the encouragement.

Our special aid department have a direct line with the Head Physician and can be called upon day or night to help fix what has been sprained or broken. Lately with some of the rule changes, we have been asked not to play in certain areas but there are some other arenas asking for our team to extend our field of play to their area.

While the rule makers are looking for ways to squeeze our team out, I am praying that our team takes our stand without taunting the other team, or running them into the ground verbally. Usually if our team shows up and listens to our Coach we have no problems. I remember a few games where we listened to the Coach and showed up to play ready in full gear and the other team just decided to give up before we even started.

So basically I guess this short little ramble is to say this: It’s not always the bigger team with better stats that wins. Show up to the game prepared, without running your mouth, in full gear, and listen to the Coach…… the last thing we need is a renegade quarterback to deflate our work……….


By Roger Barkley Jr.

Coastal Media/SGN Scoops/SGM Radio is pleased to welcome Roger Barkley Jr. to our family! Look for upcoming columns by Roger in the November edition of SGN Scoops magazine. You can find Roger’s website online here: http://rogerbarkleyjr.com/

More about Roger…

DSCN5868small-bRoger Barkley Jr is an award-winning Christian artist and musical evangelist. A 2015 Soloist of the Year, Male Vocalist Nominee (GMFF), Gold Cross Award, Duo Of The Year Nominee (ICGMA). He has won 2014 Vocal Duo of the Year with Epp Mevin Walls, 2013 Male Vocalist of the Year from King Country AgapeFest as well as nominated for Award of Honor, Favorite Musician and many more in the same year. He has also been nominated in Gospel Music Fan Awards for Male Vocalist, Comedian, Musician and has had nominations in ICGMA, and in Christian Voice Magazine among others for 2013, 2014, and 2015. With multiple charting songs reaching in the top 10, his goals remain the same: to win souls for Christ, use Gospel music of any kind to reach the world with the Good News, see lives changed and be encouraging to the saints. As a father of three and writer for multiple magazines and blogs, his unique look on today’s headlines as well as stories of country life bring an interesting twist to the readers.

When asked about his ministry Roger said, “My vision is to lead as many people to Christ through preaching, singing, sharing testimony, comedy, drama and technology as possible. I have been called a Christian Entertainer. I believe we can minister in an entertaining way. In over 35 years of ministry, I have found that we can use all different types of music to let people know the love of Jesus Christ. Currently I am Artist-In-Residence at Leestown Gospel Church in Frankfort, KY and Redemption Road in Stamping Ground, KY where I lead worship when not spreading the Gospel elsewhere.” His wife Dianna is a writer and motivational speaker. Their daughter Chelsea helps with technical and video, counsels and writes on their website. Barkley Music and Media was started as a way to record and publish their music and create a website. It has grown into a company utilizing the latest technologies to spread God’s Word, as well as helping other ministries and businesses to work with professionalism in web design, printed graphics, audio, video and all facets of multimedia. Roger will graduate May 2016 with an AAS Degree and triple Major of Graphic Design, Web Design, and Video Editing. He is also perusing certification in Video Game Design.








By SGM Radio

SGM Radio is southern gospel music's #1 internet radio station. Every month, we feature the voices of dynamic writers on a variety of Christian worldview topics. Every day, we play the best and brightest in southern gospel at www.sgmradio.com