• Mon. Mar 10th, 2025


blue christmas ball12376451_10153791635198699_2153157726209224893_nMerry Christmas everyone! ‘Tis the Season for packages under the tree, gift bags exchanged over a cup of steaming mocha cappuccino and mysterious boxes in the mail. I love giving gifts even more than receiving them and I especially like wrapping them. Well, to be more specific, I like taping the wrapping, and taping it well. I am the queen of invisible tape at Christmas and to be honest, it is mostly for the pleasure of making people take their time when they unwrap my gifts!

Yes, that does sound a little sadistic, but I do think the removal of the wrap is one of the best parts of the Season. I also admit I am a ripper. No careful slitting of the tape so the wrapping can be reused for me! Use all the fancy paper and bows you want, at Christmas, I am…well, a kid at Christmas.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if everything you received in those beautiful wrappings was exactly what you were hoping for, or even better? Not just close, but so much more than you ever dreamed of that it blew you away. Once in awhile you may have a Christmas like that, but it doesn’t happen often.

It’s occasionally like that when we meet people. Once in awhile you meet that special person who is so much more wonderful than you expected at first. And then there are others. You know the kind: the outside looks wonderful, but inside is a whole different story.

Then there are those that we meet and we find that who they really are is wrapped in several layers. Some people are wrapped up in their jobs, some in their good deeds, and some in striving to reach an unrealistic expectation that can never be achieved. And then there are those that are all wrapped up in themselves, which is probably the hardest to handle. I think we can all relate to one of those, maybe too personally, because most of us have been there at some point in our lives.

Contrast this with the Heavenly Father lending us His Son for a short time here on earth. Mary and Joseph wrapped this precious Gift in swaddling clothes. Ripped up pieces of old garments, thoroughly washed, enveloped the Almighty God of the Universe. The Word that spoke the world into existence, cried and wiggled inside a cocoon of rags.

I wonder how many times Mary had to wind and unwind those cloths, as she changed this Baby that would change the world. Not even Pampers for the King of Kings. Just rags.

wrapping and giftsGod gave to us His greatest gift, born and wrapped in the humblest of ways. And Jesus grew up and lived His life clothed in humility as He demonstrated love to us.

Someday we will be clothed in our glorified bodies, with perfect minds and hearts and bodies. Till then, we are living in a fallen world, in mortal bodies, and fall so short of the glory of God. How can we wrap ourselves in anything else but humility, knowing how much He has done for us, and the debt He paid for us?

Our Glorious Loving Saviour has given us the precious gift of Himself this Christmas. My hope and prayer is that you have accepted this gift and have allowed Him to be your Saviour and Lord. I pray that we would all realize how much we need to humble ourselves as His children, and walk in humility as He did. And I pray that you would experience peace and joy in your life this Christmas. Have a blessed holiday season!

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By Lorraine Walker

Raised in southern Ontario, Canada, Lorraine developed a love for music at an early age and enjoys listening to a variety of Christian, Country, Pop and R&B music. A love for writing and a need to share the love of Jesus through her thoughts have come together with an enjoyment of Southern Gospel, enabling her to contribute to SGM Radio website, SGN Scoops Digital, and the Southern Styles Show. Lorraine tweets at http://twitter.com/SGMRadioLorrain and blogs at http://sgmradio.blogspot.com/ and can also be found on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/walker.lorraine