Younger Perspective on Jordan LeFevre by Erin Stevens
A word from the writer…
When you’re raised in and around good Gospel music all your life, at some point, it seeps into your soul and you can’t quite get enough! That is the case with Jordan LeFevre of The LeFevre Quartet. I’m going to have Jordan tell you, in his own words, how this great music has impacted him along the way. Pull up a chair and take a listen, friends!
Erin: Even though you’ve been a key member of the group from the start, let’s go back farther. When did you first discover your love for music as a child?
Jordan: Well, I guess you could say I fell in love with Gospel music at a very young age. There are numerous pictures of me at the age of around three or four, standing in a suit with a microphone my dad had given me, singing along to old Gold City and Brian Free & Assurance cassettes. So honestly, it has always been a deep passion of mine, and there really isn’t a time when I’m not listening to music!

Erin: How many instruments do you play and what is your preferred instrument of choice?
Jordan: I can play two instruments: Drums and bass guitar. I am, for sure, more comfortable behind a drum kit. I got my first drum set at the age of four and taught myself to play. As I started getting older, I would practice nearly every day for hours. At that point, I’m sure my parents were regretting the drums! To this day, I love playing, and still have them set up in my studio at home; I also play drums in recording sessions.
Erin: What falls under “Jordan’s responsibilities” on the LeFevre bus?
Jordan: I think the better question would be, “What is NOT Jordan’s responsibility?!†Honestly, I have been working with the group for so many years now, I have learned a lot of things by default. At the age of 15, my dad started training me to drive the bus, and since then, I’ve become the designated driver. I also service the generator, fix anything I can, or if the bus has to go to the shop, I take care of that, too. I’m also in charge of running sound from the stage; that was actually my first job with the group when I was 13.Â
Erin: How do you vocally prep for a concert?

Jordan: Â Well for me, unfortunately, I can’t just open my mouth and it sounds great. I actually have an all day process/ritual I try to stick to. First thing when I wake up in the morning, I drink coffee, then follow with water. For lunch, I will only drink water, and stay away from anything that might gum me up, such as cheese, milk; etc. About an hour before we sing, I will drink two bottles of water, then go into the shower room in our bus, because of the acoustics, and do my vocal exercises. What a process, right?!
Erin: How did you and Ali meet?
Jordan: Actually, [it was] thanks to Gospel music. Her family were big fans of Gold City while Dad was there and he got to know Ali’s family. There are actually pictures of my dad holding Ali as a baby. Over the years, while Dad was off the road and spending time at home, they lost contact. Fast forward several years to when we started the group in 2005. One of our first trips was to Mississippi to do a concert with Ali’s family group and I saw her there for the first time. I was so stunned by how pretty she was, I didn’t speak; I was too nervous! Having always regretted not talking to her that night, four years ago I added her on Facebook, just to see what she was doing now. A couple of weeks went by and she happened to comment on something I posted. I finally got my chance to talk to her! Eight months later we were married and we just welcomed our first child, Jayce, on June 27th, 2016 into our family.

Erin: What’s a weird/wacky quirk not many people would guess about you?
Jordan: I am an admitted clean freak. I’m to a point where I am almost OCD [Obsessive Compulsive Disorder] about it. Everything has to have its exact place and I have to know where everything is. I am especially that way with my truck and the bus. I’d say I get that from my mother, for sure.
Erin: Are there any new, exciting things coming for the group this year you can share with the readers?Â
Jordan: There are a lot of things I am excited about. We are currently working on two brand new CDs that we are pouring our hearts into. I really think people will love the songs we have picked out. I have church in my truck just listening to the demos while learning the material. Also, we just had Keith Plott join our group, filling the bass position. Many people know Keith, as he was with Brian Free for several years, but he has spent the last few years as a solo artist. He is a fan favorite and he’s looking forward to meeting so many of our friends.

Erin: Neck ties or bow ties? Mexican or Italian food? Netflix or theatre goer? Pandora or Spotify? Disney or Universal?
Jordan: Neck ties for me! LOVE Mexican – sometimes I eat it several days in a row! Theatre for sure, love the atmosphere. Pandora. Universal.
Erin: What is a key scripture you consider as your life verse? Why does this hold such personal meaning to you?
Jordan: Joshua 24:15 “But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve… But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.†To me, it perfectly describes the ministry that we are called to do. In serving the Lord, not only are we called but our spouses have to be called just as much. For us to spend as much time away from home as we do, we have to have a support system. Without a strong and called spouse, I surely couldn’t live out my calling and my dream to sing Gospel music.Â
Erin: How and at what point in life did you come to know Christ?
Jordan: I was very fortunate to be raised in a godly household. Some of my earliest memories are at church with my family. At a very young age I had, what I now call, an ‘experience,’ where I went through the motions but didn’t truly give my heart to God. Honestly, I did it just to say I had prayed a prayer and I went with that for several years. Almost two years ago, that all changed. We were booked to do a revival down in Louisiana and during part of this revival each member of the group was supposed to speak and share their testimony. I was dreading that part because deep down, I knew that I wasn’t saved. So as the nights went on I started feeling a deep conviction and finally the night came for me to speak. I knew I couldn’t share because I knew my heart wasn’t right. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I found the pastor literally five minutes before the service and I prayed and accepted Jesus as my Savior! It was like a massive weight was lifted off my shoulders. So that night I got up and shared how I had been singing about Jesus all my life, but that I came to know Him that very night, and through my testimony several people were saved that night, too.

Erin: What is the legacy you want to leave behind for the next generation as you continue to carry on the family business?
Jordan: I want to leave behind a legacy that says, “It’s not about the size of the stage you perform on. It’s about the people you touch and that come to know Christ because of the ministry that He has blessed us with.â€
Closing words from the writer…
It’s an audience of One. Plain and simple. No matter your occupation, all the glory should continually be pointing upward to our Heavenly Father. Thank you, Jordan, for reminding us of that today. If we aren’t living lives that glorify Him, then all else will be done in vain. Colossians 3:23 tells us: “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.†May our lives be a light that illuminates the way for someone else to find Christ.
And that’s my take on it.
Until next month, Scoops fans.
Photographs courtesy of Jordan LeFevre and Craig Harris.
Connect with Erin:
Twitter – @photosforkeeps
Instagram – @photos_for_keeps
Who would YOU like to see Erin interview next?
First published by SGNScoops Magazine in March 2017.
For the current issue of SGNScoops Magazine click here.Â
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