I sit here and reflect over such fond memories of the past year and a half. My mind recalls so many good times, the many miles and the awesome fellowship that I’ve been privileged to enjoy. The memories flood me, of amazing services, and so many souls saved!
Friends the only way I can explain to the honor that I feel to stand night after night beside Tim Greene, is to say it has been a life changing experience. At times, I pinch myself and ask myself, has this journey been real.
To be on a Greenes recording and to have a song, which I have written, recorded on a Greenes album, is more than IÂ could ever deserve!
From a small child, all that I have ever wanted to do was serve the Lord and be involved in full time ministry. God has been gracious and allowed me to do just that for my entire adult life!!
I was just a baby in diapers, when my parents realized my affection and passion for music!
 As a child I grew up listening to the great and legendary southern gospel quartets and trios.
Over the course of my life, I have developed a deep appreciation for the diversity found in the southern gospel music industry. I am totally impressed by tight harmonies. I have a profound respect for singers who know how to blend perfectly with a team.
The message in this music has captivated my heart! It has shaped my life! To this very day a song, with a powerful message of hope and truth, will move me to tears, or maybe to a shout!  Singing southern gospel music is not just what I do, NO, FRIENDS IT IS WHO I AM!! Without a doubt, it was what I was born to do!
I have always loved the passion that great southern groups bring to the stage.
There are so many people in this genre that I admire and hold in high esteem! Although, many of them never knew it, there are so many great artist and people, in our industry, whom I have studied! The example, quality of singing, class, finesse, and Christian witness that they displayed, has helped to shape my talent, my stage presence and such like!
I have witnessed our industry go from the era of big vinyl albums, 8 track, cassettes, VHS, CD, DVD, Blue Ray, Thumb Drives, to now Digital downloads.
It was during the cassette / VHS, era, I would be given my first copy of a project of a young group, from Boone, NC called The Greenes.  At that time the group consisted of 3 siblings, Tim, Kim, and Tony Greene.  These young people along with their Dad, Everett, seemed to have everything going for them.  I immediately became a fan.  These people seemed to always have super harmony and powerful songs.
Thruout my teenage years, I followed them, I purchased their projects, and yes, I even tried to sing their songs in local groups that I worked with.
Little did I ever believe that my dream to sing with them or a group like them would ever become reality.
For the entirety of my life, I have desired to travel with a nationally known full time southern gospel group.
As the years progressed I became a pastor and a concert promotor where I would get the opportunity to meet each of the original members of The Greenes, and become personal friends with them and so many other great artists in our industry!
In January of 2017, Tim Greene gave me the highest earthly career honor of my life. He invited me to join this legendary trio.  It has been the most exciting career move of my adult life to work with him and Keith Skyles.  I have learned so much from Tim and Keith. These are 2 men whom I respect highly.
 If ever there is a poster person for a man who is faithful to the call, it is Tim Greene. As the cliche would say, he has taken a lick’n and kept on tickin’. Tim’s testimony is amazing and his life exemplary!
The passion to reach lost souls that Tim Greene displays is real and astounding.  It is no wonder that God keeps making a way for The Greenes ministry to continue!
As many of you know on Friday, April 13, 2018, I married a precious and beautiful young lady, Kimberly Denise (Vassar) Finney!  God in his providence has given me not only a beautiful lady, but also a very Godly and talented lady.
At this time and after much prayer, as well as months of communication and preparation, for both me and The Greenes, I feel that transition time for me has come!  I will sing my last official date with The Greenes this Sunday evening at 6pm at Burns Assembly of God in Slocumb, AL. This is a bittersweet moment for me.
 Ending this chapter in my life is sad, yet the I find the plans for the immediate future very exciting.
 I have put a little over 98,000 miles on a car in the past year and a half, just commuting back and forth. I do not regret a mile.
Please do not let the rumor mill begin, there is no ill will or anymosity between Tim, Keith and I.  This is a decision that I have made after much prayer and fasting.
God has been gracious and brought someone to fill my position at just the right time. I am certain that an announcement of my replacement will be coming very soon!
This has been a planned process, and Tim has made this transition as stress free as is humanly possible.  I love him and Kieth like brothers. Our friendship and relationship will not end, just because I am no longer a active part of the group.  I feel so honored that Tim has invited me to fill a few dates in the future, for which the new baritone has previous obligations. This will be a joy for me to be able to join them again on stage!
Please do not think that just because, I am departing from The Greenes, that I am leaving full time ministry. As for my immediate plans, I am leaving only to pursue a full-time ministry with my wife.  Stay tuned for more details of that to be released soon! Yes I plan to be with southern gospel music until Jesus takes me to heaven!
I ask you to pray for God’s richest blessings on The Greenes and on my next ministry effort. I hope to come to your church or community soon.
If you could please schedule The Greenes for a service at your church! To do so contact:
 Ron Pickerall (863) 838-7307 or
Tim Greene (910) 880-9064
Lastly I want to say thank you to all of the fans and friends of the Greenes for being so kind and supportive of me! You all accepted me and Tim’s decision to hire me, and I sincerely love each of you!
I pray God’s richest blessing upon The Greenes, and upon our friends everywhere!