Many gospel music fans know Jim and Sheila Blackwell from Cullowhee, North Carolina. They are great supporters of gospel music and they are terrific volunteers for Creekside Gospel Music Convention!
On May 9, Sheila tells us that Jim fell and was taken by ambulance to the hospital, then an air flight took him to the University Hospital of Tennessee – Knoxville. He has six fractured ribs on his left side and a small lung puncture. Jim remains in ICU since his arrival there. The staff have had Jim up and walking, but his blood pressure has been very low. He has a high level of pain and fluid in his lungs.
Yesterday, May 14, Sheila posted on Facebook: “Jim was taken to surgery shortly ago for a chest tube. The fluid’s keeping his lung function at about 50 percent. They’ve anticipated it since Friday but the latest CT scan confirmed the necessity of it.” The results showed more fluid than expected.

Please pray with us for Jim and Sheila during this time for strength, healing, and peace from God.
We know they are missing some gospel concerts and they need to hear some great things from their friends.
For more information, please read Sheila’s Facebook here and be sure to leave an uplifting message.
All of us at Coastal Media are praying for this lovely couple. We hope you will too.