THE CREEKSIDE DIARIES – Volume Two, Monday, October 29, 2018, by Kristen Stanton.
Another fantastic day here at Creekside is in the books! Â At 9:00 a.m. artists began pouring in the Smoky Mountain Convention Center for booth set up. Â Â The buzz was still in the air as these artists were prayed up and ready to do ministry throughout the week.
Here is what happened at night:
4:30 doors open
5:00 Scott Roberts and 5 o’clock band
5:20 MARK 209
5:25 Dodrill Family
5:37 Day Three
5:49 Gloryland Qt
6:01 Debbie Bennett
6:13 Epps Family
6:25 Gospel Truth Trio
6:37 Tonja Rose
6:49 The Riders
7:01 (Featured Group) Sacred Harmony
7:21 Chordsmen Qt
7:33 The Griffins
7:45 (Featured Group) The Coffmans
8:05 Offering
8:10 Dr. Jerry Goff and SGNScoops honor Arthur Rice
8:40 The Pine Ridge Boys
9:00 Ezekiel’s Call
9:12 Red Back Sing Closeout….
Ministry begins not when an artist steps on the stage, but ministry begins the minute the doors are opened.  We believe that every person who walks through the door of the Convention Center is important. The needs that they have are important.  The hurt that they are feeling is important. And THAT is why we sing — to tell them that we may not have all the answers, but we know a God who does.
It seems as though the message I heard so often today was about prayer and how it changes things.   I heard the message about how God sees every tear that falls. The message resonated with me. I don’t know if anyone else noticed it or not, but God has a way of arranging a program to do the work He has for that day.   The Epps Family sang a song tonight called God Still Answers Prayer — a powerful message for the masses — and a message that the Creekside family truly believes. We saw that same message carry forward into Midnight Prayer where we heard how prayer has changed lives.
9The singing was phenomenal –from the spotlight on the Smoky Mountain artists all the way through the Red Back Hymnal sing.   But the power of God showed up through that one simple word – PRAY. God hears our prayers and He WILL answer us. God has started a work here at Creekside.
And God WILL finish it.
By Kristen Stanton