• Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

Kristen Stanton: The Valley Between

Kristen Stanton: The Valley BetweenKristen Stanton: The Valley Between
Kristen Stanton: The Valley Between
Kristen Stanton: The Valley Between

In I Samuel 17 we see a significant battle. There was a physical battlefield, but there was also a spiritual battle.

The Philistines were gathered together on one mountain and Israel was on another. They were not occupying the same space–there was an entire valley between them. In order for war to engage, either the Philistines had to want to enter the area where Israel was, or Israel had to want to enter the area where the Philistines were and to obliterate them so that they would no longer face that fear.

We must understand that we are in a spiritual battle every single day. If we are living for Christ, we are constantly being pursued by the enemy. We can stand on our mountain in the refuge that God provides, but sometimes we need to march into battle and destroy the enemy—face that fear and run it from our lives.

Either way, it requires us to pass through the valley in order to get to the next mountain. And when we pass through the valley, we become vulnerable either to our enemy or to God.

Where are you today? Are you refusing to move off the mountain because you fear the valley? Are you tired of the battle you are facing in the valley and just want to quit fighting?

God knows exactly where you are and has already declared you victorious.

Kristen Stanton

Kristen Stanton

Take that step of faith and face down your fear.

God’s plans are greater than your fear and greater than where you are now.

God is in the valley between.

By Kristen Stanton

Kristen Stanton is a dynamic singer, speaker, and writer. From discussions on Facebook, to live concerts on any stage, Kristen’s main focus is to share her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. She says: “I was saved when I was four years old. I’ve been in church my whole life. I went to a Christian college. I don’t have the experiences of walking away from God and how He brought me back. But I do have the experience of how God continuously reveals Himself to me… of how He answers prayer. I want people to understand who God is so that they can be more of a reflection of Him. My goal is to help others see God in a way that meets every need in their life.”
Following a trio of No. 1 songs from her debut project, “Destiny by Design,” Kristen recently  released her second solo project, “Love As Jesus Loves” and is currently writing songs for her new album. Kristen is also an Attorney-at-Law, serving clients in Northwest Ohio.

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