• Mon. Mar 31st, 2025


Hailing from Al Capone’s old stomping ground, Chicago Heights, IL, Kelly Capriotti Burton was a stranger to Southern Gospel music until marrying into it! Always a music fan, she discovered a fondness for gospel harmonies, southern hospitality, and road life while traveling with her husband Rod Burton. Kelly has previously worked as a corporate project manager and a high school English teacher. She has written and taught in a variety of outlets and now spends her time caring for three daughters (two toddlers, one teen), assisting with Rod’s ministry, serving as Editor-in-Chief of SGN Scoops Digital Magazine, and to break up the boredom, working as a partner in YMR Music Productions, which presents the Branson Gospel Music Revival. She considers life to be one unexpected adventure after another; her biggest so far was having two babies in 15 months after being diagnosed with infertility. She considers laughter (with a side of sarcasm) to be the best strategy, God’s grace to be the greatest gift, and miracles to always be possible.
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Say “Thank You” With Your Heart

It’s high stress time in our household these days. Winter is dragging on well into April. Our biggest week of the year is getting ever closer and there is much…

Everyone wants to be an Abraham

If you ever once in your Sunday-School-attending life sang the song “Father Abraham,” raise your hand. Or rather, raise your right arm, left arm, right foot, left foot… Abraham is…

A simplified mind

Ah, January. It is time for us to start filling in a blank calendar. Time to shed some pounds. Time to tweak our budget, make long-term goals, and organize our…

Where’d He Go?

Quit arguing about Jesus’ place in Christmas and simply focus on Him Christmas hasn’t just become commercial, as Linus laments in one of my favorite holiday programs. It’s become controversial.…

Lesson From a Mama Pig

I took my littles to a farm today. It’s a rite of passage in suburbia, driving 20 miles or so to pay an admission fee, ride the cow train and…

We Win | Adventures in the Life of a Southern Gospel Wife

By Kelly Capriotti Burton At a very precarious time in my life – 19 years old, dropping out of college, breaking off a long relationship, seeking the Holy Spirit, the…