WILBURN AND WILBURN By Sandi Duncan Clark A young boy stood proudly beside his Mother; fresh-faced, his dark hair parted and combed perfectly. His suit was spotless and his tie…
Songwriters sometimes use different happenings and occurrences in their lives as sources for their inspiration in writing gospel songs. I too have written from experiences, and from situations that have…
I love free swag, whether it’s a stuffed owl from the local phone company or a squishy stress ball shaped like an apple from a life insurance agent. I especially…
2011 has seen a number of significant events happen worldwide, but the ones that have captured many people’s imagination have been the various protests around the world that have their…
Crawford Crossing has been turning heads since its formation in 2009.The trio has shared the stage with many top Southern Gospel performers and their first CD, Turn up the Music,…
Southern Gospel fans in Ooltewah, TN received a blessing on October 20, 2011. Greenwood Baptist Church hosted the one and only Gold City Quartet in concert. This was a special…
When looking for a young, Southern Gospel artist to write about in this month’s issue, a beautiful, talented young lady came to mind, Hannah Webb. Her family has been in…
We are proud of this month’s issue of SGNScoops Magazine. In the October edition, read the inside Scoop on the Collingsworth Family, Jason Crabb, Sheri LaFontaine and Adam Brown. This…
Dream big. How often do we hear that phrase? Every business has their time of ‘visioning’ and we as individuals are encouraged to dream new dreams and reach our potential.…
“Let’s go on a journey. But let me warn you before we start. This won’t be any picnic and we’re not strolling through the park.â€(lyrics from The Journey, Ronald Hinson,…