• Fri. Mar 28th, 2025


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A Pastor’s Ponderings

Surprises…or things that we may not be ready for 1 Samuel 17 Most of us know the story of David and Goliath, the story of a young teenage boy who…

The Fragrance of My Worship

By Paige Givens One day in my kindergarten class, a child broke out what is considered to be a great treasure among my five year old friends. It was her…

A Pastor’s Ponderings

In Rev. 3:16, Jesus is speaking to the Laodicean church and He says, “Because you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth.” (my paraphrase) I was reading…

Pastor’s Ponderings

I’m taking this from Hebrews 13:5-6:“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you;…

Pike’s Point on The Beatitudes

Be sure to look back to the earlier devotionals at http://www.milespikemusic.com/newsletter-archive to catch up if you are a new addition. We’re in Matthew chapter 5, studying the Beatitudes.Seeing the crowds,…

Pastor’s Ponderings – The Veil

For this devotion I am focusing on Easter, including the events of the Crucifixion and what followed this. I’m using Mark 15:38 as my scripture as well as references in…

Guest Blog – Empty Promises

By John Lanier Advertisements we hear and see every day tell us we can be rich, healthy, happy, famous, and even sexy if we buy certain products. We’re all familiar…

Guest Blog: Why I Am An Apologist

By Stephen J. Bedard Much of my activity is in the area of apologetics. What is apologetics? It is not as complex as it sounds. Do you have something you…

Spotlight on The Dysart Family

Southern Gospel fans find family groups irresistible. There is just no topping that special family harmony, camaraderie and love that floods the auditorium when a family group steps onstage. The…

Pikes’ Point – The Beatitudes

Be sure to look back to the earlier devotional to catch up if you are a new addition. We’re in Matthew Chapter 5, studying the Beatitudes. Seeing the crowds, he…