• Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

kelly capriotti burton | adventures…sg wife

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Say “Thank You” With Your Heart

It’s high stress time in our household these days. Winter is dragging on well into April. Our biggest week of the year is getting ever closer and there is much…

Everyone wants to be an Abraham

If you ever once in your Sunday-School-attending life sang the song “Father Abraham,” raise your hand. Or rather, raise your right arm, left arm, right foot, left foot… Abraham is…

Where’d He Go?

Quit arguing about Jesus’ place in Christmas and simply focus on Him Christmas hasn’t just become commercial, as Linus laments in one of my favorite holiday programs. It’s become controversial.…

We Win | Adventures in the Life of a Southern Gospel Wife

By Kelly Capriotti Burton At a very precarious time in my life – 19 years old, dropping out of college, breaking off a long relationship, seeking the Holy Spirit, the…

The Most Important Thing About Mothering: A Glimpse From Colombia | Adventures in the Life of a Southern Gospel Wife

By Kelly Capriotti Burton Recently, my husband and I were allowed the privilege of traveling to Bogota, Colombia with Compassion International. The life-changing, eye-opening, heart-growing experiences of the four days…

Old Fashioned | Adventures in the Life of a Southern Gospel Wife

By Kelly Capriotti Burton There are many things I love in life that are not old-fashioned and most of them start with a capital letter: Facebook, Twitter, Tivo, Skype, texting,…

We’re In This Together | Adventures in the Life of a Southern Gospel Wife

By Kelly Capriotti Burton Just love him. That is what I felt God telling me, in the middle of 150 artists, over  1000 audience members, a staff and sound…

On Loyalty | Adventures in the Life of a Southern Gospel Wife

By Kelly Capriotti Burton Have you ever looked up the meaning of your name? I know for a fact why my mom chose the name “Kelly” for me. It was…

I Will Let My Children Dance | Adventures in the Life of a Southern Gospel Wife

By Kelly Capriotti Burton I have decided to let my children dance. This is no small statement, nor a general one. See, the bane of my existence as a gospel…

How to stop a thief | Adventures in the Life of a Southern Gospel Wife

By Kelly Capriotti Burton Do you believe in Satan? If not, you are welcome to keep reading, but you might not totally get where I am coming from. If you…