• Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

reality check

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Reality Check

Wise Guys’ (and Girls’) Resolutions We are more than halfway through January and you’ve put away the Christmas decorations, cleaned up all the wrappings and are well into breaking all…

Reality Check: Christmas Delights

“May all your wishes come true…” We hear that phrase so often in Christmas songs, on Christmas cards and in the seasonal cartoons. As a child we believe Santa will…

Reality Check: Our Lord’s Prayer

By Stephen Widener and Lorraine Walker For several months now I have been praying Our Lord’s Prayer as part of my daily devotions. God has been teaching me and I’ve…

Reality Check: Thoughts on Thanksgiving

This isn’t like my usual Reality Check features, but I had a few thoughts I wanted to share on Thanksgiving. I hope this encourages you to come up with your…

Reality Check: Spitting Out Manna

I did it again. I talked to a friend who seemed to have it all and felt the old green-eyed monster rise up. Don’t get super-spiritual on me; I know…

Thanks But No Thanks

I love free swag, whether it’s a stuffed owl from the local phone company or a squishy stress ball shaped like an apple from a life insurance agent. I especially…

Of Dreams and Visions

Dream big. How often do we hear that phrase? Every business has their time of ‘visioning’ and we as individuals are encouraged to dream new dreams and reach our potential.…

Take Another Look

Things aren’t always as they seem and neither are people. About a decade ago I worked under an office manager who was efficient, accurate and great with people. Except, as…

Hope Was Here

The sun was hot and the air barely moved. The traffic continued on its way through the dusty downtown streets. The little park didn’t see muchactivity during the day. Most…

Is It Hot Enough For You?

I love being outside in the summer, whether it’s in the heat of the sun at the beach or sitting with friends around a fire, roasting marshmallows. At a recent…